Bug 1705689 Comment 0 Edit History

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We sometimes call this on a replaced browsing context, which might be a bug. We should maybe switch to fetching the browsing context by BrowserId, to ensure we have the latest context.

We'll only want to run the SessionHistory code in this function if `context == context.top` case, which won't be immediately possible if we switch to using BrowserId, so we might have to update callers to do the check or give us BrowserId=0 for subframes.
We sometimes call this on a replaced browsing context, which might be a bug. We should maybe switch to fetching the browsing context by BrowserId, to ensure we have the latest context.

We'll only want to run the SessionHistory code in this function if `context == context.top`, which won't be immediately possible if we switch to using BrowserId, so we might have to update callers to do the check or give us BrowserId=0 for subframes.
We sometimes call this on a replaced browsing context, which might be a bug. We should maybe switch to fetching the browsing context by BrowserId, to ensure we have the latest context.

We'll only want to run the SessionHistory code in this function if `context == context.top`, which won't be immediately possible to check if we switch to using BrowserId, so we might have to update callers to do the check or give us BrowserId=0 for subframes.
We sometimes call this on a replaced browsing context, which might be a bug. We should maybe switch to fetching the browsing context by BrowserId, to ensure we have the latest context.

We'll only want to run the SessionHistory code in this function if `context == context.top`, which won't be immediately possible to check if we switch to using BrowserId (since GetTopByBrowserId by definition returns the top), so we might have to update callers to do the check or give us BrowserId=0 for subframes.

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