Bug 1888491 Comment 0 Edit History

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This page will make it easier for us to manually test the feature. This is meant to make development easier, and is never meant to be exposed to users, and therefore doesn't require Fluent, a11y review, design etc. It doesn't need an entry point in any existing UI. It doesn't need to run in a content process. I don't think it needs to be an about: page - a chrome URI is probably fine.

A few things this page should do for now:

1. Be able to kick off the `createBackup` process
2. Open the `backup` folder in a native file explorer

Eventually, when restore functionality starts getting built out, we'll probably want it to be able to rename a backup folder under `backups/` to `backups/recover` and then recover from it, but we'll get there when we get there.
This page will make it easier for us to manually test the feature. This is meant to make development easier, and is never meant to be exposed to users, and therefore doesn't require Fluent, a11y review, design etc. It doesn't need an entry point in any existing UI. It doesn't need to run in a content process. I don't think it needs to be an about: page - a chrome URI is probably fine.

A few things this page should do for now:

1. Be able to kick off the `createBackup` process
2. Open the `backups` folder in a native file explorer

Eventually, when restore functionality starts getting built out, we'll probably want it to be able to rename a backup folder under `backups/` to `backups/recover` and then recover from it, but we'll get there when we get there.

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