Closed Bug 225846 Opened 21 years ago Closed 5 years ago

IBM Thinkpad Web Navigation buttons not fully supported in Mozilla


(Core :: DOM: UI Events & Focus Handling, enhancement)

Windows 2000
Not set





(Reporter: raccettura, Unassigned)



There are several outstanding issues with Thinkpad keyboards and Mozilla:

"Favorites" should open the bookmarks sidebar, but does nothing in Mozilla.
"Stop" should stop loading, but does nothing in Mozilla.

Page Back (left of up arrow) does nothing, should go "back"
Page Forward (right of up arrow) does nothing, should go "Forward"

Mail, and Homepage seem to work fine (when setup for Mozilla as the default
browser).  Perhaps documentation should be included?

Seach opens up the Windows Search (for files and stuff)

Refresh works, but has a little issue with Mail&News (Bug 225844).
Damn typo, depends on 225844 (note 
Depends on: 225844
No longer depends on: 22584
Mike, anyone in your group have a machine with these keys?
Assignee: aaronleventhal → mkaply
Is it a dup of bug 230717? Does the Microsoft internet kbd work the same way?
Should note, the laptop I have is a Thinkpad A31 (2652).
this bug is also present in Linux
here is a webpage which explains how to fix this bug for Firefox in Linux.
This bug has been fixed on Windows platform. However it is still present in Linux. Can somebody change the OS field from Windows 2000 -> Linux
This bug has been fixed in Firefox 3. Please close this bug.
(In reply to comment #7)
> This bug has been fixed in Firefox 3. Please close this bug.

Really? When I push the page back/forward buttons (left/right of up arrow), nothing happens. Would be nice if we supported these. says:
VK_F19 --> back
VK_F20 --> forward

Ventron, where's the best place to support this for both Windows and Linux?
I already fixed this for Linux. Its just that now we listen for the proper standard X11 keycodes (like XF86_Back et al). Because we didn't support this beforehand and we're the most widely distributed browser on Linux, there was no incentive for distro owners to fix detection and autoconfiguration of internet keys. If you configure your keys to send those keycodes it should work.
QA Contact: keyboard.navigation
Assignee: mozilla → nobody
Component: Keyboard: Navigation → User events and focus handling

Very old bug. Marking INCOMPLETE. Please reopen if still an issue.

Closed: 5 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
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