Closed Bug 23557 Opened 25 years ago Closed 24 years ago

about:blank is in the history because I open new windows as blank


(Core :: DOM: Navigation, defect, P3)






(Reporter: sspitzer, Assigned: travis)


in my prefs, I have it set so when I bring up a new navigator window, it comes
up blank.  we are implementing that right now by loading about:blank

this adds about:blank (with no title) to my history, and I can see that entry
(it's a blank entry, since there is no title) in the go menu.

I don't think we should be adding about:blank, about:, or any of the about urls
to the history.
This is a lot like bug 11324: generally bogus internal URLs being added to the
history. I've tried adding a stoopid hack to nsGlobalHistory that just drops
"about:" and "chrome:" URLs on the floor; unfortunately, for "chrome:", we
still get the resolved chrome URL (e.g.,
"file:///mozilla/dist/bin/res/blah/blah") in the history. I think there needs
to be some hackery up in the webshell to be smarter about this, but not exactly
sure how it'd work.
Travis, can you take a look at this post-Beta?  Pass it off to Bill, if
necessary ...

Assignee: radha → travis
Target Milestone: M15
Move to M16 for now ...
Target Milestone: M15 → M16
Should be fixed...
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
VERIFIED Fixed with 2000050111 builds (for SH) and 2000042809 builds (for global history)
Component: History: Session → Document Navigation
QA Contact: claudius → docshell
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