Closed Bug 41273 Opened 24 years ago Closed 24 years ago

"refresh" meta tag not working correctly


(Core :: Networking, defect, P3)






(Reporter: rusty.lynch, Assigned: jud)


(Whiteboard: [nsbeta2+])

If a page is visited using <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="10">,
then the page will reload as expected, but the browser will not 
really load a new page.

To see this create a simple CGI script that always returns the meta tag
but sends the current time in the body of the page.  Mozilla will 
keep reloading the page, bug the time will stay the same.  If you go
and then press the 'reload' button, a new page with an updated time is
nominating for nsbeta2
Keywords: nsbeta2
i experience this (linux) if i go to a page,leave then re-type the url to go
back to the page or use a bookmark.

i can produce it even easier w/ a basic html page that i update once i've left
the page and then come back to it via the url bar and/or bookmark.

Putting on [nsbeta2+] radar for beta2 fix. 
Whiteboard: [nsbeta2+]
The "refresh" meta tag bug ended up being a duplicate of bug #41269
which just got fixed. So, now the meta tag works as expected. 

The other part of this bug that was noticed by jae, is still broke.  Any attempt
at retyping the URL in the input field of the toolbar (or just pressing enter
when you are currently at the given URL) will result in the page being refreshed
but just from the cached copy.  This is a pain when using Mozilla, and
completely blocks using viewer effectively (since there is no 'reload' button.)

The problem is rooted in who ever is calling nsDocShell::LoadURI() with a
loadinfo object with refresh set to false. Without refresh set to true, the
URI will be loaded with the loadNormal flag, which will just pull the page 
from cache if it's there.

No longer blocks: 41273
No longer depends on: 41273
Assignee: gagan → valeski
sorry to do this, but please file a new bug. morphed bugs are bad.
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
verified WFM
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