Closed Bug 43151 Opened 24 years ago Closed 22 years ago

Cyrillic text don't appear correctly when submitted in a form. [form sub]


(Core :: DOM: Core & HTML, defect, P3)

Windows 98





(Reporter: ezh, Assigned: alexsavulov)




Enter some cyrillic word and try to translate it to engish. Nothing happends.
I am guessing this is either a form submission issue or an editor issue. Eirc, 
I'll start with you.
Assignee: rods → pollmann
Basically, I think I am able to reproduce this bug.

1) Cut and paste the text below PROMT's Online Translator Powered by PITS
(I'll try here, no guarantee's this is right: Перевод будет выполнен в)
2) Click the translate button (Перевести, leftmost, between two textareas)
3) You should see the page reload, the top area should contain the same text, 
and the lower text area should read (in English):
Translation will be executed

In today's build, the lower text area is blank.
The text is wrong, but following the directions, you should be able to reproduce 
the bug.
This bug has been marked "future" because the original netscape engineer working
on this is over-burdened. If you feel this is an error, that you or another
known resource will be working on this bug,or if it blocks your work in some way
-- please attach your concern to the bug for reconsideration.
Target Milestone: --- → Future
Hmmm. Tried this issue on and it doesn't 
worked (had a message "none text were entered" or similar one), but when I 
reloaded the page all works now (cannot test originally reported URL coz it does 
not work at moment). I'll test it at the end of next weekend.

PS It's dogfood for me (at least 10 times a month)...
Updating QA contact.
QA Contact: ckritzer → vladimire
There are cirtainly problems submitting the form at the URL, but they dont 
happen 100% of the time. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesnt...
This is a really nasty bug, since neither Mozilla nor NN6 release allows any
cyrillic input to be submitted via POST (at least on Linux), which renders the
browser pretty much useless -- websites receive all client input as question marks.
I believe some people cannot reproduce it because of Content-Type 'charset'
setting. Mozilla submits Cyrillic forms pretty well when neither the page sets
any Cyrillic charset in Meta tag nor the server sets it in response headers.
While the charset in use is iso8859-1 or undefined at all, things go well. But
try to set Meta to charset=windows-1251 or koi8-r, and here it is: all Cyryllic
letters  are being submitted as question signs.
It also should be noted that this doesn't happen on every linux platform. I've
had this problem on RedHat 7.0, but when I moved to SuSE 7.0 this problem didn't
occur for me any more -- all cyrillic text gets submitted as it should. However,
people in russian linux newsgroups keep complaining about forms being submitted
as question marks, so this problem is apparently still present.
See bug 62522, can anyone here try out those two changes and see if it fixes the
problem for them?

In Solaris,

we cannot input any Thai text into the html form
(but for the UI component, like url address field - we can)

anyway we can copy text form elsewhere and paste it in mozilla,
and mozilla can display it quite well.

Bulk reassigning form bugs to Alex
Assignee: pollmann → alexsavulov
Summary: Cyrillic text don't appear correctly when submitted in a form. → Cyrillic text don't appear correctly when submitted in a form. [form sub]
This works for me now, build 2002-10-18-08-trunk
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Component: HTML: Form Submission → DOM: Core & HTML
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