Open Bug 720671 Opened 13 years ago Updated 3 years ago

paste to location bar with middle mouse button when "drop-down" is open is eaten


(SeaMonkey :: Location Bar, defect)

SeaMonkey 2.6 Branch
Not set


(Not tracked)


(Reporter: hhaamu, Unassigned)


Steps to reproduce:
1. Assume you are at:

2. You have a bug number (say, 65432) in your mouse paste buffer (highlight the number).

3. Focus the end of the location bar, erase the old number with the keyboard.

4. The location bar drop-down opens, showing possible URLs.

5. Try to paste the new number with the middle mouse button.

6. The location bar drop-down (possibly) closes, nothing is pasted.

7. Go to step 5 until successful.

Happens with X11 (*BSD, Linux) with Openbox or ratpoison as the WM. This has been happening at least since 2.0.x IIRC. The drop-down may re-open between steps 6 and 7 -- not completely sure.

Related: bug 610360, bug 617774
> 5. Try to paste the new number with the middle mouse button.

Is a "middle mouse button", paste, a default function on Linux?

It is not in Windows.

To point out:

The "AutoCopy" extension does provide a "pastes on middle click" function.  And using AutoCopy, the paste into the location bar, per your example, does work.

(Autocopy needs a mod to install.rdf adding a "SeaMonkey" section in order to install in SeaMonkey.)
s/does work/does work in Windows/
(In reply to therube from comment #1)
> > 5. Try to paste the new number with the middle mouse button.
> Is a "middle mouse button", paste, a default function on Linux?

Clipboard operation with mouse is a default function on X11 (= Linux, *BSD, pretty much every unix in existence). I do not think you can reproduce this on Windows.
user pref: middlemouse.paste
Confirming on
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; FreeBSD i386; rv:11.0) Gecko/20120319 Firefox/11.0 SeaMonkey/2.8
first middle click goes to nowhere, closing suggestion panel, second paste text as intended to be. Firefox ESR 10.0.3 doesn't have this problem
Ever confirmed: true
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