Open Bug 1000390 Opened 11 years ago Updated 1 year ago

[meta] Impliment full spec Scheduling Extensions to CalDAV of rfc 6638


(Calendar :: E-mail based Scheduling (iTIP/iMIP), defect)



(Not tracked)


(Reporter: Fallen, Unassigned, Mentored)


(Depends on 4 open bugs, )


(Keywords: meta)

The iTip Standard allows different email clients and servers to schedule meetings based on email messages. The scheduling extensions have become a full spec now [rfc6638]. However, Lightning's invitation processing implementation lags behind.

This bug will track the Google Summer of Code 2014 work that Malintha is doing. High level updates can be found at
Priority: -- → P2
I'm going through bugs similar to proposed features to have a better understanding about the implementation of them. I find this bug as an entry point to the scenario. Big Thanks go to Calendar blog for having all notable changes in each stage posted.
Depends on: 1007087
Depends on: 1010294
Depends on: 1015717
Mentor: mohit.kanwal
Depends on: 1042390
Assignee: malinthak2 → nobody
Summary: [meta][GSoc 2014] Update Lightning Invitation code to latest version of rfc 6638 → Update Lightning Invitation code to latest version of rfc 6638
Severity: normal → S3
Summary: Update Lightning Invitation code to latest version of rfc 6638 → '\ Lightning Invitation code to latest version of rfc 6638
Summary: '\ Lightning Invitation code to latest version of rfc 6638 → [meta] Impliment full spec Scheduling Extensions to CalDAV of rfc 6638
Priority: P2 → --
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