Closed Bug 1001549 Opened 11 years ago Closed 2 years ago

If a modal dialog comes up during a drag and drop operation, the drag image sticks around until modal is dismissed


(Core :: Widget: Win32, defect, P3)

Windows 7





(Reporter: mconley, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(Whiteboard: tpi:+)


1) Go here in tab A:
2) Open a new tab B, and go here:
3) Go back to Tab A, and click on the button to start a 10 second timeout to open an alert dialog
4) Go back to Tab B, and start dragging one of the items around until the alert modal comes up

AR: The alert modal freezes the drag image in place. Bug 100180 allows us to dismiss the modal dialog with our mouse, and then the drag image goes away.

ER: The alert modal dialog should, if possible, both allow mouse interaction (which bug 100180 allows), but also eliminate the drag image so as to complete the illusion that the drag/drop operation has been cancelled.

Steps to investigate:

Replace what nsGlobalWindow::Alert does with a call to the native MessgeBox API for Windows. Let's see if testing this with that modification will cause the drag image to disappear. If it does, then there's a sign that there's an API (documented or not) that allows us to kill the drag image even when inside a nested event loop. If it doesn't make the image disappear, then maybe we're in as good a state as we can be in.
Summary: If an modal dialog comes up during a drag an drop operation, the drag image sticks around until modal is dismissed → If a modal dialog comes up during a drag and drop operation, the drag image sticks around until modal is dismissed
I suspect this is the key to several other problematic bug reports, including Thunderbird bug 458570, bug 948082, bug 439333 - at least on windows.
See Also: → 782811
What is essential difference in phenomenon/problem between bug 1001549 and bug 1197598?
> Bug 1001549 - If a modal dialog comes up during a drag and drop operation,
>                       the drag image sticks around until modal is dismissed
>                    Product=Core, Component=Widget: Win32
> Bug 1197598 - Notifications in Firefox (small gray rectangle in the right bottom corner of screen) 
>                       awfully cancel drag and drop operations
>                    Product=ToolKit, Component=Notifiction and Alerts
Is "Toaster popup at right/bottom corner" implemented as modal dialog in Firefox./Thunderbird?
 Adding bug 458570, bug 942610, bug 948082 to dependency tree for ease of tracking and analysis.
Blocks: 458570, 942610, 948082
See Bug 1197598 Comment #6 for difference between toaster popup case and modaal dialog case, please.
Toaster popup case and modal dialog case were absolutely diferent issue. Sorry for my confusion.
Blocks: 1204926
Priority: -- → P3
Whiteboard: tpi:+
No longer blocks: 942610
See Also: → 1197598
Severity: normal → S3

This works for me - the drag image is removed as soon as you lift the mouse.

Closed: 2 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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