Closed Bug 1001895 Opened 10 years ago Closed 7 years ago

Intro, design, and launch of Project:Trust cross-team working group


(Webmaker Graveyard :: Communications, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: matt, Assigned: geoffrey, NeedInfo)


(Whiteboard: [allhands][trust])

* CONTEXT: Trust is an emerging theme in many campaigns going on across Mozilla: marketing, advocacy, policy, engagement, education. 

* The leads of the campaigns have agreed to start meeting to coordinate the work, maybe ship a shared platform or two. 

* Once the conversation is far enough along, let's document rough plans and action items

* Collaborators:  Geoff MacDougall, Dave Steer, Erica Sackin, Andrea Wood, Mary Ellen Muckerman, Eric Petitt, Michelle Thorne, Alex Fowler
Assignee: nobody → geoffrey
Whiteboard: [allhands][trust]
Bug for output of Wed, Apr 30, 1pm meeting.
Summary: Document our plan and next steps for leveraging Trust campaigns → Intro, design, and launch of Project:Trust cross-team working group
* Hey, Geoff. Let me know if there's any upcoming milestones / dates on the calendar we should be aware of for this?

* on Webmaker side, we're working on shipping a new and improved page full of privacy-related teaching resources and tools. Plus a "Privacy" badge. 

* let us know how we might plug those into any wider campaigns, if you they're relevant?
Flags: needinfo?(geoffrey)
As we move to deprecate the Webmaker Product from Bugzilla, I'm going to close down this issue, which hasn't seen activity in a very long time. 

If more work is required here, please re-file this in an appropriate Product/Component/Github Issue.
Closed: 7 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
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