Closed Bug 100316 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

Problems installing Java plug-in


(Core Graveyard :: Java: OJI, defect)

Windows NT
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: mschmitt, Assigned: joe.chou)


From Bugzilla Helper:
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; WinNT4.0; en-US; rv:0.9.4) Gecko/20010913
BuildID:    2001091303

I had trouble getting Java to work on 0.9.4.  The problems are: a) 0.9.4 didn't
install the Java plug-in, b) I can't get it (or anything else) from Netscape, c)
the Sun installer didn't work.  (I'm OK now, though.)

Everything was fine with 0.9.3.  I had JRE 1.3.0 on my machine. The release
notes for 0.9.4 said to install into a new directory, so I uninstalled 0.9.3. 
Big mistake -- I forgot that it would delete the plug-ins directory.

I used the installer build

I used the custom install because I need to NOT install mail (so that Outlook
will be used for mailto). There was no option in the install to choose Java or
not (contrary to some other bug reports on the JRE install process).

The read me file says that the installer build should recognize an existing JRE
on the machine. It didn't. NO Java files were copied to the plug-ins directory.

When I browsed a page with a Java applet, I got the "Click here to get plug-in"
link.  I clicked on the link.  See "Steps to reproduce" for what happened next...

Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Click on "Click here to get plug-in" link for missing Java plug-in. Dialog
appears: Plug-in Not Loaded. Information on this page requires a plug-in for
application/x-java-vm. Navigator can retrieve the plug-in from Plug-in Finder at

2. Click "Get the Plug-in" button. Dialog appears: Netscape Java 2 Plug-in
Download Page, Java 2 Plug-in Version 1.3, etc. 

3. Click the Java 2 Windows Plug-in button. Dialog appears: Would you like to
install Java 2 Plug-in for Windows from

4. Click OK.  Get error page.  (See Actual Results for error)

Actual Results:  I received the following error page when I tried to download
the Java plugin:

Install Results
Java 2 Plug-in for Windows : Download was unsuccessful. Please try again. The
Java Plug-in is 7.6Mb and will take you 37 minutes to fully download with a 28.8
modem or 19 minutes with a 56K modem. Alternatively, you can download this
plug-in directly from our FTP site at
for Windows. Please e-mail if you continue to have
problems. Error encountered -- -207

Next I tried to directly transfer from  Result is:

FTP Transfer failed
The FTP request could not be completed because the the rogue server check
detected a response from an unexpected (and potentially unsecure) IP address.

Then I tried downloading the JRE from Sun. It installed JRE 1.3.1_01, and
installed files in the Mozilla plug-ins folder, but Java still didn't work. I
think this problem is already documented -- I copied NPOJI600.dll to plug-ins
and it worked.

Expected Results:  1. The installer build should have recognized the existence
of the JRE on the machine and copied the necessary files to the the plug-ins

2. If the Java plug-in is missing, I shouldn't have to download the entire JRE

3. The Sun JRE installer should have copied the VM to the Mozilla plug-ins folder.

4. I should be able to download from  See "additional
information" below.

Some change Netscape made to their FTP servers (sometime between Netscape 6 and
6.1) has made them impossible for us to use. There is some kind of interaction
between and our firewall. No matter what I do or which FTP
client I use, my FTP download requests get aborted with a "rogue server" error.

This effects anyone inside the company firewall. Several of us tried to report
this to Netscape, but we just got canned responses, that told use to try
downloading the file(s) directly. That doesn't work, because you always end up
with the same problem: can't be used.

I tried ftping directly from some of the IP addresses. That doesn't work either.

Note that I don't have this problem with ANY other ftp site. Just Netscape.

My point is that if Mozilla requires me to go to Netscape to get the Java
plug-in, we're in big trouble.

I don't know how many people this impacts. There are problably 75,000 people
potentially impacted, but the number of people who use anything other than IE is
probably small.
Assignee: av → edburns
Component: Plug-ins → OJI
QA Contact: shrir → pmac
Reassign to Joe as I'm leaving the role of OJI module owner.
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla0.9.5
Ressign to Joe Chou, as I am no longer working officially on OJI.
Assignee: edburns → joe.chou
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.5 → mozilla0.9.6
sounds like a bad build, can you try with an updated build?
I just tried it again with 0.9.5 build id 2001101117 [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U;
WinNT4.0; en-US; rv:0.9.5) Gecko/20011011].

I noticed that when I used add/remove programs to uninstall 0.9.4, it didn't
delete the plug-ins folder. (This is good.)   I manually deleted the
folder from Program Files in order to reproduce the rest of this report.

Other than that, I had the same results: the installer didn't recognize the
existence of the JRE, and we can't FTP from
I have tried to download the java plug-in with Mozilla 0.9.5.
Platform: PC Win 98

Everything is fine except that I still do not get any applets to work after the
installation process.

What is going on ? Is it so difficult to have a java plug-in working ?

what should I do to have it work ?

Thanks for your help

Does your global/external IP address (probably the IP of your 
firewall, if it does one-to-many NAT) have a reverse lookup 
entry on the appropriate domain server?  Some ftp servers (e.g., are  known to reject all connections from 
non-reversible IP spaces.  This is considered by some to be 
an imporant security feature, though I have not made a study
of why that is so.  Is it possible that
does something like this?  
Yes, I just verified that there is a valid reverse DSN lookup...

1. I FTP'd through the proxy server to (which actually was
serviced by
2. QUOTE STAT to find the IP address I'm coming from.
3. Used a NSLOOKUP gateway to verify that the DNS works both address -> name and
name -> address.

But this is now a moot point. I just retested, and we can now FTP from Netscape
again! Yay! I can successfully download the plug-ins, and the Netscape 6.x
browser. So this part (#4) of the issue is working.

...but I think I'll stay with Mozilla...
Regarding the Sun installer, it now WORKSFORME, Win95 OSR2,
and installs its stuff in the Mozilla plugins dir, resulting
in the Java plugin showing up as it should in About Plugins.  
There is however still a problem with the Java plugin, see
comments in Bug 90397.

The Mozilla installer still doesn't seem to copy the Java
plugin DLLs into the Mozilla plugins dir.  

I'm now using 0.9.6 (so target milestone is obsolete).

Keywords: mozilla1.0
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.6 → mozilla0.9.8
Mozilla successfully installs the java plugin for me. The only problem
is that the plugin installer doesn't copy np*.dlls to the mozilla'
plugins folder. Therefore this bug duplicates 100393 and fix to
it is in progress. I propose to close this bug as dup of 100393.
I don't agree that this is a duplicate of Bug 100393.

There are two different situations:

1. User doesn't have Java on machine. User installs Mozilla. User goes to a site
that uses a Java applet. User is prompted to install Java plugin. Does this work?

I think this is the situation addressed in Bug 100393.

2. User already has Java on machine. User uses the Mozilla installer build to
install. It is supposed to recognize that Java exists, and copy the required
DLLs into the Plugins folder. Then Java applets should work the first time they
are encountered, without requiring any further action.

I just this situation with re-tested with 0.9.6 build 2001112009. As noted above
in comment #10, this isn't working. I don't think this is the situation
described in Bug 100393.
Please look at and see if that doesn't help you.
If it does please close this bug...
Add comments to bug 100393, I think this is a dup.

In the situation that a user already has the JRE installed, Netscape commercial
builds do copy the DLLs, Mozilla ones don't. I think there is a seperate bug on
that issue. However, having OUR installer copy the JRE's DLLs isn't a very good
solution because if the user uses the JRE uninstaller, those DLLs aren't
removed. To the user, Java will then remain broken until they re-install the JRE
from some other source.

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 100393 ***
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
v d 
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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