Closed Bug 1003556 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

Count users issued a Super Mentor badge


(Webmaker Graveyard :: Metrics, defect, P1)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: laura, Assigned: jon)



(Whiteboard: [metrics] [july11])

I'm breaking this into 2 actionable items so have re-named this to capture the first step.


I think this should be automated at the point where the badge is issued. Can we loop in some people who are working on the implementation of this? I'm not sure who that is.

@Jbuck, do you think this is something else that should filter through MakeThisThanThat? 

Alternatively we have to get the numbers out of Badgekit directly.
Flags: needinfo?(laura)
Flags: needinfo?(jon)
Summary: Pull in contributor numbers from Mentor badges issued → Provide a count of contributor numbers from Mentor badges issued
Yeah, lets do the contributor stats through MATTT
Flags: needinfo?(jon)
Blocks: 1004163
This janky thing is using, so it's not being implemented on the Webmaker team. We might be able to gain insight from the Badges team, but this was a temporary measure we implemented last year. It should be going the way of the dodo as soon as BadgeKit is live.
Flags: needinfo?(laura)
No longer blocks: 1004163
Depends on: 1004163
Priority: -- → P1
Summary: Provide a count of contributor numbers from Mentor badges issued → Make This Then That: Count users issued a Mentor or Super Mentor badge
The next step is Bug 1004163
Assignee: nobody → adam
Whiteboard: [June13]
* Hey Adam. We should also start counting people who get issued the "Hive Community Member badge" that we're currently testing on staging. Ticketed?
Flags: needinfo?(adam)
* Note: only *Super Mentor* badges will be live on production for [june13] release. Mentor badges likely won't ship til [june27]
@ Adam: what do we need to close this ticket by [june13]?
Flags: needinfo?(jon)
Whiteboard: [June13] → [metrics] [June13]
Moving to next train
Whiteboard: [metrics] [June13] → [metrics] [June27]
This one still depends on Bug 1004163, and I've added the 'Hive Community Member Badge' into that task.
Flags: needinfo?(adam)
Assignee: adam → jon
Flags: needinfo?(jon)
Blocks: 1004163
No longer depends on: 1004163
Summary: Make This Then That: Count users issued a Mentor or Super Mentor badge → Count users issued a Mentor or Super Mentor badge
No longer blocks: 1028182
* Revising scope for this sprint to just count Super Mentors, as that's already on production
* Counting Mentor badges pushed to next train, as it won't be ready til then
Summary: Count users issued a Mentor or Super Mentor badge → Count users issued a Super Mentor badge
Whiteboard: [metrics] [June27] → [metrics] [july11]
I've short-circuited some of this work today. The MozBadges project is syncing up closely with the ad-hoc logger, so it now polls the badgekit API directly.

That means that Mentor, Super-Mentor and Hive Community badges can be displayed on the dashboard without further dev work on MaTTT.

And, we can focus more on MP prep instead of this.
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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