Bug 1006953
Opened 11 years ago
Closed 10 years ago
Intermittent browser_storage_dynamic_windows.js | This test exceeded the timeout threshold. It should be rewritten or split up.
(DevTools :: General, defect)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: philor, Unassigned)
(Keywords: intermittent-failure, regression)
Windows 7 32-bit mozilla-inbound debug test mochitest-devtools-chrome-3 on 2014-05-06 18:22:38 PDT for push 89d8e5e16a74
slave: t-w732-ix-087
18:48:55 INFO - TEST-INFO | chrome://mochitests/content/browser/toolkit/devtools/server/tests/browser/browser_storage_dynamic_windows.js | Everything to be received is received.
18:49:03 INFO - [3840] WARNING: Too large an index passed to GetChildAt: file c:/builds/moz2_slave/m-in-w32-d-0000000000000000000/build/docshell/base/nsDocShell.cpp, line 3814
18:49:03 INFO - [3840] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(child) failed: file c:/builds/moz2_slave/m-in-w32-d-0000000000000000000/build/docshell/base/nsDocShell.cpp, line 3819
18:49:03 INFO - [3840] WARNING: Too large an index passed to GetChildAt: file c:/builds/moz2_slave/m-in-w32-d-0000000000000000000/build/docshell/base/nsDocShell.cpp, line 3814
18:49:03 INFO - [3840] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(child) failed: file c:/builds/moz2_slave/m-in-w32-d-0000000000000000000/build/docshell/base/nsDocShell.cpp, line 3819
(ton of GC)
18:49:12 INFO - [3840] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(mMutable) failed: file c:\builds\moz2_slave\m-in-w32-d-0000000000000000000\build\netwerk\base\src\nsSimpleURI.cpp, line 265
18:49:12 INFO - --DOCSHELL 28353DE8 == 119 [pid = 3840] [id = 1790]
18:49:12 WARNING - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | chrome://mochitests/content/browser/toolkit/devtools/server/tests/browser/browser_storage_dynamic_windows.js | This test exceeded the timeout threshold. It should be rewritten or split up. If that's not possible, use requestLongerTimeout(N), but only as a last resort.
18:49:12 INFO - TEST-INFO | MEMORY STAT vsize after test: 1297920000
18:49:12 INFO - TEST-INFO | MEMORY STAT vsizeMaxContiguous after test: 365953024
18:49:12 INFO - TEST-INFO | MEMORY STAT residentFast after test: 608464896
18:49:12 INFO - INFO TEST-END | chrome://mochitests/content/browser/toolkit/devtools/server/tests/browser/browser_storage_dynamic_windows.js | finished in 59528ms
Comment 1•11 years ago
Is this a regression from something ? Why would it start happening like after working fine for 2 months ?
Flags: needinfo?(philringnalda)
Keywords: regression,
Comment 3•10 years ago
Inactive; closing (see bug 1180138).
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Updated•9 years ago
Keywords: regressionwindow-wanted
Updated•7 years ago
Product: Firefox → DevTools
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