Closed Bug 1008513 Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago

The b2g desktop /latest/ directory contains way out of date builds


(Release Engineering :: General, defect, P2)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jhford, Assigned: nthomas)




(1 file)

All the builds are from May 1, it should be updated every time we build gecko.  We should have builds that are current as of May 9.
The latest symlink isn't being updated properly. 

The ftp server doesn't show dangling symlinks so you don't notice looking at http://ftp.m.o, but in b2g/tinderbox-builds/mozilla-central-linux32_gecko/ we have:
  latest -> 1398956171    (which is from May 1)
and inside latest/:
       10 May  5 17:52 1399330923 -> 1399330923
       10 May  5 18:54 1399334323 -> 1399334323
       10 May  9 15:44 1399668845 -> 1399668845
       10 May  9 17:38 1399676522 -> 1399676522
     1722 May  1 09:31 b2g-32.0a1.multi.linux-i686.checksums
      778 May  1 09:31 b2g-32.0a1.multi.linux-i686.json
 82103575 May  1 09:31 b2g-32.0a1.multi.linux-i686.tar.bz2
194239426 May  1 09:31

So the patch from bug 986209 isn't working as expected.
Blocks: 986209
The b2g gecko compile jobs populate the new tinderbox-builds dir, eg 
then do this sort of thing:
  ln -sf 1399668845 /home/ftp/pub/b2g/tinderbox-builds/mozilla-central-linux32_gecko/latest

$ mkdir -p /tmp/nthomas/{foo,bar}    # need to have these dirs or testing goes bad
$ ln -sf foo /tmp/nthomas/latest
$ find /tmp/nthomas/ -ls         # GOOD
4194710    4 drwxr-x---   4 nthomas  nthomas      4096 May 10 02:33 /tmp/nthomas/
4194720    0 lrwxrwxrwx   1 nthomas  nthomas         3 May 10 02:33 /tmp/nthomas/latest -> foo
4194718    4 drwxr-x---   2 nthomas  nthomas      4096 May 10 02:32 /tmp/nthomas/bar
4194712    4 drwxr-x---   2 nthomas  nthomas      4096 May 10 02:32 /tmp/nthomas/foo

$ ln -sf bar /tmp/nthomas/latest
$ find /tmp/nthomas/ -ls         # BAD
4194710    4 drwxr-x---   4 nthomas  nthomas      4096 May 10 02:33 /tmp/nthomas/
4194720    0 lrwxrwxrwx   1 nthomas  nthomas         3 May 10 02:33 /tmp/nthomas/latest -> foo
4194718    4 drwxr-x---   2 nthomas  nthomas      4096 May 10 02:32 /tmp/nthomas/bar
4194712    4 drwxr-x---   2 nthomas  nthomas      4096 May 10 02:33 /tmp/nthomas/foo
4194818    0 lrwxrwxrwx   1 nthomas  nthomas         3 May 10 02:33 /tmp/nthomas/foo/bar -> bar

$ rm /tmp/nthomas/foo/bar
$ ln -nsf bar /tmp/nthomas/latest
$ find /tmp/nthomas/ -ls         # GOOD
4194710    4 drwxr-x---   4 nthomas  nthomas      4096 May 10 02:36 /tmp/nthomas/
4194703    0 lrwxrwxrwx   1 nthomas  nthomas         3 May 10 02:36 /tmp/nthomas/latest -> bar
4194718    4 drwxr-x---   2 nthomas  nthomas      4096 May 10 02:32 /tmp/nthomas/bar
4194712    4 drwxr-x---   2 nthomas  nthomas      4096 May 10 02:36 /tmp/nthomas/foo

ie -n argument is needed to tell ln to not de-reference the existing symlink.
Attachment #8420514 - Flags: review?(aki)
Comment on attachment 8420514 [details] [diff] [review]
[tools] More alphabet soup

Ty, although at this point I'm leaning towards keeping crashsymbols in nightly and pointing at latest nightly.
Attachment #8420514 - Flags: review?(aki) → review+
Do you mean not hold deploy, or deploy and we'll come back with a better solution next week ? In the latter case I can push this out and watch it in ~24 hours.
Lets try that again .... not deploy, vs deploy and followup
Deploy and followup if there are any more issues, probably.
Assignee: nobody → nthomas
OS: Mac OS X → All
Priority: -- → P2
Comment on attachment 8420514 [details] [diff] [review]
[tools] More alphabet soup

productdelivery svn: Committed revision 87216
Attachment #8420514 - Flags: checked-in+
This is working as expected in a few production builds. I'll do some manual cleanup in the m-c gecko build dirs to get us pointed to latest, and remove all the dangling symlinks.
b2g/tinderbox-builds/mozilla-central*gecko/latest were fixed manually as of 16:20. Otherwise I just deleted {b2g,mobile,firefox}/tinderbox-builds/*/latest, and ran 'symlinks -dr'.
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Component: General Automation → General
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