Closed Bug 1010743 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

WebCrypto requirements for Tako (b2g)


(Core :: DOM: Security, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: rbarnes, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


User Story

We will use this bug to track the scope of WebCrypto for Tako/2.1 release. 

This will be a subset of the bug 865789 (which has a larger scope), but only for tracking the WebCrypto items relevant for Tako needs. That way we can "close" this for 2.1 even if 865789 remains open for other items.
      No description provided.
Blocks: web-crypto
Summary: Re-enable WebCrypto tests on b2g-desktop → Re-enable WebCrypto tests on b2g
Updated title. We will use this bug to track the scope of WebCrypto for Tako/2.1 release. 

This will be a subset of the bug 865789 (which has a larger scope), but only for tracking the WebCrypto items relevant for Tako needs. That way we can "close" this for 2.1 even if 865789 remains open for other items.
Summary: Re-enable WebCrypto tests on b2g → WebCrypto requirements for Tako (b2g)
User Story: (updated)
adding 1038882 for Tako
Depends on: 1038882
Hi Richard, Since this bug will track Tako related requirements for WebCrypto, should we move (or link) relevant parts of your spreadsheet here?
I assume this bug will be the bug to change the  pref to enable web-crypto on FxOS - is that a reasonable expectation?
Partner confirmed current implementation is okay in 2.1, ok to close.
Per comment 5, close this bug.

If anyone feels inappropriate, please reopen it.
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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