Closed Bug 1013008 Opened 11 years ago Closed 10 years ago

Intermittent test_battery_status_full.js | ScriptTimeoutException: ScriptTimeoutException: timed out


(Core :: DOM: Device Interfaces, defect)

Gonk (Firefox OS)
Not set





(Reporter: KWierso, Unassigned)



(Keywords: intermittent-failure) b2g_emulator_vm mozilla-central opt test marionette-webapi on 2014-05-19 16:42:28 PDT for push cb9f34f73ebe slave: tst-linux64-spot-511 17:11:13 INFO - INFO TEST-START: /builds/slave/test/build/tests/marionette/tests/dom/battery/test/marionette/test_battery_status_full.js Mon May 19 2014 20:11:02 GMT-0400 (EDT) 17:11:13 INFO - INFO Changing power status to full Mon May 19 2014 20:11:02 GMT-0400 (EDT) 17:11:13 INFO - INFO Changing power status to charging Mon May 19 2014 20:11:02 GMT-0400 (EDT) 17:11:13 INFO - INFO Resetting power status to full Mon May 19 2014 20:11:03 GMT-0400 (EDT) 17:11:13 INFO - INFO Changing power status to discharging Mon May 19 2014 20:11:03 GMT-0400 (EDT) 17:11:13 INFO - INFO Resetting power status to full Mon May 19 2014 20:11:03 GMT-0400 (EDT) 17:11:13 INFO - INFO Changing power status to not-charging Mon May 19 2014 20:11:03 GMT-0400 (EDT) 17:11:13 INFO - INFO Resetting power status to full Mon May 19 2014 20:11:03 GMT-0400 (EDT) 17:11:13 INFO - INFO Changing power status to unknown Mon May 19 2014 20:11:03 GMT-0400 (EDT) 17:11:13 INFO - INFO Resetting power status to full Mon May 19 2014 20:11:03 GMT-0400 (EDT) 17:11:13 INFO - INFO Resetting power status to charging Mon May 19 2014 20:11:03 GMT-0400 (EDT) 17:11:13 INFO - END LOG: 17:11:13 INFO - ====================================================================== 17:11:13 INFO - ERROR: None 17:11:13 INFO - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 17:11:13 ERROR - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | test_battery_status_full.js | ScriptTimeoutException: ScriptTimeoutException: timed out 17:11:13 INFO - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 17:11:13 INFO - Ran 1 test in 11.905s 17:11:13 WARNING - FAILED (errors=1)
Only the Marionette harness sanity tests go in Testing::Marionette. Those are the ones in Gecko under: testing/marionette/client/marionette/tests/unit/* Moving to a component suggested by the hg log of this test.
Component: Marionette → DOM: Device Interfaces
Product: Testing → Core
Hardware: x86_64 → ARM
Version: unspecified → Trunk
Inactive; closing (see bug 1180138).
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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