Closed Bug 1014174 Opened 10 years ago Closed 6 years ago

Add UX for user banning


( Graveyard :: User management, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: sheppy, Unassigned)



(Whiteboard: [specification][type:change][LOE:L])

What feature should be changed? Please provide the URL of the feature if possible.
Please add site UX for user banning, and update all user ban buttons to use this UX instead of the Django panel.

This probably needs automatic ban expirations implemented as well, since these users won't have access to manually remove bans like admins have.

What problems would this solve?
Although we have a permission for user banning, there's no UX for it yet, so our localization team leaders can't actually do it since they don't have access to the Django admin panel, where you currently have to go to do it.

Who would use this?
Localization team leads plus MDN admins.

What would users see?
A box asking for the username (with the ability for it to be pre-filled by query term, since it needs to support ban user buttons) to ban as well as an explanation.

What would users do? What would happen as a result?
Submitting the form should add the requested ban.

Is there anything else we should know?
Blocks: 681925
Severity: normal → enhancement
Component: General → User management
For what it's worth, localization team leaders have this permission now; just need the UX so that it actually works. :)
+ Where will the "ban" link display -- just on the user's page?

+ Does this require a front-end interface for canceling a ban?

+ Will a ban reason need an "edit" functionality? i.e. something was spelled wrong?
(In reply to David Walsh :davidwalsh from comment #2)
> + Where will the "ban" link display -- just on the user's page?

Should be on the profile page as well as, IMHO, revision diff pages and in the revision dashboard when looking at a particular revision (that is, along with the Edit page, History, etc options).

> + Does this require a front-end interface for canceling a ban?

It should have one, but IMHO that is not a blocker for launch of banning itself. I'll file a separate bug for an unban UX.

> + Will a ban reason need an "edit" functionality? i.e. something was spelled
> wrong?

No, although we should over the long term add this to the same UX that's used for canceling bans. Call it a ban editor. See bug 1017649, just filed, for this.
Estimating that this will probably take 2 weeks to develop.
Whiteboard: [specification][type:change] → [specification][type:change][LOE:L]
Those with the ability to ban now have two buttons on a user's profile page:

Ban User and Clean Up - two-step workflow to ban and revert recent commits
Ban User - just bans

These were added in bug 1259776, which took more than two week.
Closed: 6 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
See Also: → 1259776
Product: → Graveyard
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