Closed Bug 1015057 Opened 10 years ago Closed 9 years ago

Desktop client needs "call resumed" visual and audio notifications


(Hello (Loop) :: Client, enhancement, P3)



(Not tracked)

backlog -


(Reporter: RT, Unassigned)



(Whiteboard: [fxa])

User Story

As a FF browser user (signed-in or not) in a call with a FFOS user, I get notified that my "on hold" call is being resumed through visual and audio notifications so that I know that I can start communicating again.
This is necessary for FFOS / FF Desktop call scenarios.
On FFOS when on a Loop call if a cellular incoming call occurs, the Loop call is placed on hold in the background and then resumed at the end of the call.

The partner SDK exposes a "resume" feature and this does not require Loop server integration.
User Story: (updated)
The FF desktop user cannot place a call on hold or resume a call manually. 
This bug is only about notifying a user that the call is being resumed.
Priority: P3 → P2
Assignee: nobody → dhenein
Summary: Desktop client needs "call resumed" visual and audio notifications → [UX] Desktop client needs "call resumed" visual and audio notifications
Whiteboard: [ux] p=3 s=33.2 [qa-]
Whiteboard: [ux] p=3 s=33.2 [qa-] → [ux] p=3 s=33.3 [qa-]
Whiteboard: [ux] p=3 s=33.3 [qa-]
if we don't do FxA they become irrelevant - so tagging for FxA and moving to mozilla35
Whiteboard: [p=?, fxa]
Target Milestone: mozilla34 → mozilla35
not needed for first release of FxA & contacts
Priority: P2 → P3
We have UX, so reassigning to nobody.
Assignee: dhenein → nobody
Blocks: 1066014
No longer blocks: 1000788
Severity: normal → enhancement
Summary: [UX] Desktop client needs "call resumed" visual and audio notifications → Desktop client needs "call resumed" visual and audio notifications
Whiteboard: [p=?, fxa] → [fxa]
Based on existing work for Fx35 - this is not a likely first time experience.  For now we have face/audio mute.  this is more the pure call paradigm as well - and we are looking at a merged experience.
Target Milestone: mozilla35 → mozilla36
Target Milestone: mozilla36 → ---
backlog: --- → -
Marking as WON'T FIX since this is not on the agenda anymore.
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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