Open Bug 1015263 Opened 10 years ago Updated 2 years ago

LayerX on ::before ::after elements, wrong (layer) / non-relative value.


(Core :: DOM: CSS Object Model, defect, P5)

29 Branch





(Reporter: core, Unassigned)


User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.9; rv:29.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/29.0 (Beta/Release)
Build ID: 20140506152807

Steps to reproduce:

1. Create Element, with CSS ::before and position it away from Element.
2. Attach 'click' event on Element.
3. Inspect event.layerX value and


Actual results:

layerX is relative to layer, and Firefox will create new layer for each ::before and ::after css content "guys", but on click it will fail to report that it were clicked on it.
layerX will be local to ::before layer and there is no way to identify that click occured on ::before layer rather than element it self.

Expected results:

In WebKit ::before is considered as same layer as its owner, and layerX will be relative to Element, so if ::before is absolute positioned to the left, then it will just go to negative values.
And it sounds logical to the way they've implemented.

Otherwise there should be way to identify on which layer there was click performed (Element or ::before or any other 'hidden' layers)
Component: Untriaged → DOM
Product: Firefox → Core
If only there were an actual spec for layerX.... As it is, I strongly recommend not using it.
Component: DOM → DOM: CSS Object Model

Move all DOM bugs that haven’t been updated in more than 3 years and has no one currently assigned to P5.

If you have questions, please contact :mdaly.
Priority: -- → P5
Severity: normal → S3
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