Closed Bug 1016124 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

Many users complain that Facebook doesn't work


(Web Compatibility :: Site Reports, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: Yoric, Unassigned)



This product/component is not for general Facebook issues.
Assignee: nobody → english-us
Component: Facebook → English US
Product: Websites → Tech Evangelism
Someone needs to take a look at this. On the French contribute mailing-list, we receive several e-mails per day on that topic.
Severity: normal → major
There is *no* information to go by here - could you perhaps put me in touch with some of the users who have this problem?
Note: While I suspect it is a Technical Evangelism bug, I am also sure that the problem is not web-side. I suspect it is caused by some add-on or anti-virus. The immediate symptom (that most users appear to miss) is that Facebook displays a "JavaScript is deactivated" warning. Looking in about:config confirms that JS is deactivated, although users have apparently never touched that setting and there is no UI that affects it. I will try and send some of the users who can understand technical instructions towards you.
Well, it's not just Facebook that is not working for me, but many other web sites requiring Javascript as well, such as an online radio, etc. Here are the specifications of my configuration FYI : - I am using Firefox Mac version 29.0.1 - I am under Mac OS 10.9.3 (Mavericks) - I have the following extensions installed: * AddBlock Plus 2.6 * Clip to DevonThink * ClipJava 2.0.4 * Shareaholic 3.0.1. * Todoist for Gmail initial.rev3 - I have the following plugins installed: * Default Browser Helper 537 * Google Earth Plugin 6.2. * Google Talk Plugin * Microsoft Office Live plug-in 12.3.6 * Module d'Applet Java 14.9.0 * QuickTime Plug-in 7.7.3 7.7.3 * Wacom pressure Plugin 1.1.11 No antivirus installed. That's it, guys.
In a about:config, Javascript.enabled was on "false". I set it to "true". Better a while (presumably a few days), it came back to "false" without I doing anything. It is necessary to check this issue.
without more information on where and which circumstances, we can't really do analysis and/or contact. Closing as INCOMPLETE, please REOPEN if there are more details.
Assignee: english-us → nobody
Closed: 10 years ago
Component: English US → Desktop
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
Product: Tech Evangelism → Web Compatibility
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