Closed Bug 1017215 Opened 11 years ago Closed 10 years ago

Intermittent testLinkContextMenu | Exception caught - junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Text string: 'Bookmark Link' is not found!


(Firefox for Android Graveyard :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: RyanVM, Unassigned)


(Keywords: assertion, intermittent-failure) Android 4.2 x86 Emulator mozilla-inbound opt test androidx86-set-4 on 2014-05-28 11:12:26 PDT for push 548638e8243d slave: talos-linux64-ix-036 11:51:48 INFO - 0 INFO SimpleTest START 11:51:48 INFO - 1 INFO TEST-START | testLinkContextMenu 11:51:48 INFO - 2 INFO TEST-PASS | testLinkContextMenu | Given message occurred for registered event: {"type":"Gecko:Ready"} - Gecko:Ready should equal Gecko:Ready 11:51:48 INFO - EventExpecter: no longer listening for Gecko:Ready 11:51:48 INFO - 3 INFO TEST-PASS | testLinkContextMenu | waiting for urlbar text to gain focus - urlbar text gained focus 11:51:48 INFO - 4 INFO TEST-PASS | testLinkContextMenu | URL typed properly - http://mochi.test:8888/tests/robocop/robocop_big_link.html should equal http://mochi.test:8888/tests/robocop/robocop_big_link.html 11:51:48 INFO - 5 INFO TEST-PASS | testLinkContextMenu | Given message occurred for registered event: {"errorType":"","bgColor":"transparent","type":"DOMContentLoaded","tabID":0} - DOMContentLoaded should equal DOMContentLoaded 11:51:48 INFO - EventExpecter: no longer listening for DOMContentLoaded 11:51:48 INFO - long-clicking at 512.0, 111.0 11:51:48 INFO - 6 INFO TEST-PASS | testLinkContextMenu | Checking that the option: Open Link in New Tab is available - The option is available 11:51:48 INFO - 7 INFO TEST-PASS | testLinkContextMenu | Checking that the option: Open Link in Private Tab is available - The option is available 11:51:48 INFO - 8 INFO TEST-PASS | testLinkContextMenu | Checking that the option: Copy Link is available - The option is available 11:51:48 INFO - 9 INFO TEST-PASS | testLinkContextMenu | Checking that the option: Share Link is available - The option is available 11:51:48 INFO - 10 INFO TEST-PASS | testLinkContextMenu | Checking that the option: Bookmark Link is available - The option is available 11:51:48 INFO - 11 INFO TEST-PASS | testLinkContextMenu | Given message occurred for registered event: {"parentId":0,"delayLoad":false,"title":"http:\/\/mochi.test:8888\/tests\/robocop\/robocop_blank_01.html","selected":false,"isPrivate":false,"stub":false,"external":false,"desktopMode":false,"tabID":1,"type":"Tab:Added","uri":"http:\/\/mochi.test:8888\/tests\/robocop\/robocop_blank_01.html"} - Tab:Added should equal Tab:Added 11:51:48 INFO - EventExpecter: no longer listening for Tab:Added 11:51:48 INFO - 12 INFO TEST-PASS | testLinkContextMenu | The correct number of tabs are opened - 2 should equal 2 11:51:48 INFO - long-clicking at 512.0, 111.0 11:51:48 INFO - 13 INFO TEST-PASS | testLinkContextMenu | Given message occurred for registered event: {"parentId":0,"delayLoad":false,"title":"http:\/\/mochi.test:8888\/tests\/robocop\/robocop_blank_01.html","selected":false,"isPrivate":true,"stub":false,"external":false,"desktopMode":false,"tabID":2,"type":"Tab:Added","uri":"http:\/\/mochi.test:8888\/tests\/robocop\/robocop_blank_01.html"} - Tab:Added should equal Tab:Added 11:51:48 INFO - EventExpecter: no longer listening for Tab:Added 11:51:48 INFO - 14 INFO TEST-PASS | testLinkContextMenu | The correct number of tabs are opened - 2 should equal 2 11:51:48 INFO - long-clicking at 512.0, 111.0 11:51:48 INFO - Clipboard text = http://mochi.test:8888/tests/robocop/robocop_blank_01.html , expected text = http://mochi.test:8888/tests/robocop/robocop_blank_01.html 11:51:48 INFO - 15 INFO TEST-PASS | testLinkContextMenu | Checking if the text is correctly copied - The text was correctly copied 11:51:48 INFO - long-clicking at 512.0, 111.0 11:51:48 INFO - 16 INFO TEST-PASS | testLinkContextMenu | Checking that the share pop-up is displayed - The pop-up has been displayed 11:51:48 INFO - waitForText timeout on Big Link 11:51:48 INFO - long-clicking at 512.0, 111.0 11:51:48 INFO - waitForText timeout on Bookmark Link 11:51:48 INFO - Exception caught during test! 11:51:48 INFO - junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Text string: 'Bookmark Link' is not found! 11:51:48 INFO - at 11:51:48 INFO - at junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue( 11:51:48 INFO - at 11:51:48 INFO - at 11:51:48 INFO - at org.mozilla.gecko.tests.ContentContextMenuTest.verifyBookmarkLinkOption( 11:51:48 INFO - at org.mozilla.gecko.tests.testLinkContextMenu.testLinkContextMenu( 11:51:48 INFO - at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method) 11:51:48 INFO - at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( 11:51:48 INFO - at android.test.InstrumentationTestCase.runMethod( 11:51:48 INFO - at android.test.InstrumentationTestCase.runTest( 11:51:48 INFO - at android.test.ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2.runTest( 11:51:48 INFO - at org.mozilla.gecko.tests.BaseTest.runTest( 11:51:48 INFO - at junit.framework.TestCase.runBare( 11:51:48 INFO - at junit.framework.TestResult$1.protect( 11:51:48 INFO - at junit.framework.TestResult.runProtected( 11:51:48 INFO - at 11:51:48 INFO - at 11:51:48 INFO - at android.test.AndroidTestRunner.runTest( 11:51:48 INFO - at android.test.AndroidTestRunner.runTest( 11:51:48 INFO - at android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner.onStart( 11:51:48 INFO - at$ 11:51:48 INFO - 17 INFO TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | testLinkContextMenu | Exception caught - junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Text string: 'Bookmark Link' is not found! 11:51:48 INFO - 18 INFO TEST-END | testLinkContextMenu | finished in 112417ms 11:51:48 INFO - 19 INFO TEST-START | Shutdown 11:51:48 INFO - 20 INFO Passed: 15 11:51:48 WARNING - 21 INFO Failed: 1 11:51:48 WARNING - One or more unittests failed. 11:51:48 INFO - 22 INFO Todo: 0 11:51:48 INFO - 23 INFO SimpleTest FINISHED
In this bug I see: Android x86 junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Text string: 'Bookmark Link' is not found! junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Text string: 'Open Link in Private Tab' is not found! junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Waiting for the Bookmark added toaster notification - The notification has been displayed * These are too old to get the logs Android 2.3 java.lang.NullPointerException * I don't see the actual NPE itself Android x86. unit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Click can not be completed! * This is a different filed bug. Since all the new errors are of this type, I am duping to the other bug.
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Product: Firefox for Android → Firefox for Android Graveyard
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