Closed Bug 1023495 Opened 10 years ago Closed 9 years ago

[meta] Incorporate IM into Desktop Loop client


(Hello (Loop) :: General, defect, P5)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: shell, Unassigned)



(Whiteboard: [IM])

This is NOT committed - but something we will look into what it takes as we make progress in Fx33.
EARLY stages.  Romain has been talking with Tarek/Alexis, so they are aware of it.  They have a PoC and Eric discussed this also with XMPP
I think there is some confusion here.
We discussed IM, not SMS - is this what this bug refers to?
IM will be required for FF38, not FF34 although I agree we need investigations earlier than this and I assume this is what the bug is about?
Flags: needinfo?(sescalante)
I'm not sure what this is about also, Shell, can you please add more context as to what you have in mind with this feature?
corrected to IM rather than SMS and put past Fx34.  we just need to start investigating and having on radar towards end of Fx34/early 35 for later implementation.
Flags: needinfo?(sescalante)
Priority: P4 → --
Summary: [meta] Incorporate SMS into Desktop Loop client → [meta] Incorporate IM into Desktop Loop client
Target Milestone: mozilla34 → mozilla35
Could you provide some more information as to what are the scenarii we want to support?

Here are a number of questions we had to think about when started digging on how to do if for the server-side:

- Do we want to support multiple devices? If so, are all the devices supposed to get a notification on a new message? Is there a concept of conversation? If so, should only new conversation trigger a nofication on each device?
- What is the storage scenario? What are the user expectations if an user loses her device? Should she get a copy of the old conversation showing up?

We started a wiki page here and a github project with a PoC of something. It of course needs some more information, but feedback would be appreciated!

see and
Component: Server → General
Alexis, here are the scenarios I had originally, in 2 chronological phases: 

Phase 1:
I want to send an IM to a specific contact
I want to receive IMs from my contacts
I want to be notified of new IMs if I am not on the Loop interface (not only conversations)
I want to receive IMs that were send to me as I was offline when I come online
I want to IM an offline contact so he receives it when he comes online
I want to use emoticons in my IMs
I want my IM history with a specific contact to be available on my device until I delete it

Phase 2:
I want to see the online status of my contacts
I can set my own online status
I want to add contacts to an existing IM session with a contact
I want an IM sent to a group IM session to be seen by all participants of the group
I want to see IMs sent by any participant to a group IM session that I am part of
I want to see the IM history from a group IM session
I want to be able to join an IM group session when people invite me
I want to see the list of a group IM session participants
I want to access my IM history as I authenticate on a new device
I want to receive IM messages on multiple devices if I happen to be logged in to multiple devices
IM will come in Phase 2 (post MVP) although it seems this bug blocks loop_mvp
I mark this bug as blocking the backlog.
Blocks: 998334
No longer blocks: loop_mvp
Flags: needinfo?(sescalante)
we'll be talking about this in Phase 2- removing ni? for now.
Flags: needinfo?(sescalante)
I'd love to do this, but this isn't on our near-term roadmap currently.
Target Milestone: mozilla35 → ---
backlog: --- → -
even though meta - putting in backlog as it's not broken down into work yet.  there has been work done on XMPP design by adam and martin.
Blocks: loop_mvp
No longer blocks: 998334
backlog: - → ---
Rank: 50
Flags: firefox-backlog+
Priority: -- → P5
Whiteboard: [IM]
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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