Closed Bug 1024402 Opened 11 years ago Closed 10 years ago

Desktop client needs ability to initiate a call from the calling history


(Hello (Loop) :: Client, enhancement, P5)



(Not tracked)

backlog backlog+


(Reporter: RT, Unassigned)



(Whiteboard: [p=?, contacts][UX])

User Story

As a signed-in FF browser user I can initiate a call from my calling history so that I can conveniently reach out to someone in my calling history.
Clicking on any call in the history should initiate a call if possible (clicking a URL call-back in the call log won't do anything). That is the only action from that list so doesn’t need an action menu - as you click the call log entry, the call is initiated using the media options used previously (audio only or audio+video).
User Story: (updated)
Whiteboard: [p=?, contacts]
Target Milestone: mozilla34 → mozilla35
This would be nice to have in our first release of FxA & contacts, but I wouldn't block on this.
Priority: P2 → P1
knowing what's coming - Rooms will be higher and bug fixing for Contacts so moving to P2
Priority: P1 → P2
Considering features on the 35 list and the [loop-uplift] tagged work that is going into Fx34 Beta - moving this out to at least Fx36. our recently called feature/top 10 will be an new UI after Fx35 has landed.
Target Milestone: mozilla35 → mozilla36
Needs UX design
backlog: --- → Fx36?
Depends on: 1082944
Whiteboard: [p=?, contacts] → [p=?, contacts][UX]
Target Milestone: mozilla36 → ---
backlog: Fx36? → Fx38?
No longer depends on: 1082944
with switch to rooms model and more accountless focus in the next 2 releases- are we ok moving this design consideration to fx40?
backlog: Fx38? → Fx40?
Flags: needinfo?(rtestard)
Priority: P2 → P3
Flags: needinfo?(rtestard)
Severity: normal → enhancement
backlog: Fx40? → backlog+
Priority: P3 → P5
Rank: 59
Flags: firefox-backlog+
We won't implement call history so resolving as WON'T FIX
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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