Closed Bug 1026453 Opened 10 years ago Closed 8 years ago

Ensure Loop's panel layout looks good in the Application Menu


(Hello (Loop) :: Client, defect, P5)



(Not tracked)

backlog -


(Reporter: standard8, Unassigned)



User Story

- Check Layout in Application menu for en-US
- Also check for different locales


(1 file)

Attached image Bad layout
Bug 1011392 enables the panel to work in the application window, but the different size means the panel layout doesn't look as good as it should, hence we should fix that.
User Story: (updated)
Priority: P3 → P2
For info I discussed the need for UX with Darrin and the proposed way forward is to use the existing UX with slightly smaller width. We can revisit and if this brings issues.
Target Milestone: mozilla33 → mozilla34
UX is updated for size - revisit if still don't like
Target Milestone: mozilla34 → mozilla35
From bug 1053476:

When the Loop button is placed in the Hamburger menu it reveals a panel which has a lot of wasted vertical space. It would be better for this sub-panel to be dynamically sized to the content. I'll attach a couple of screenshots.
It doesn't look as bad anymore as the screenshot tries to tell us, but the Loop panel contents still needs to be stretched to the subviews' full height so that the footer will truly be a footer :)
Flags: firefox-backlog+
Whiteboard: [qa?]
Whiteboard: [qa?] → [qa+]
Points: --- → 3
Flags: qe-verify+
Whiteboard: [qa+]
This isn't high priority since bug 1047316 removed the subview view and switched to using the panel when Loop is clicked on from the Firefox menu.

We won't need to fix this bug until bug 1057472 is fixed.
Depends on: 1057472
Flags: firefox-backlog+ → firefox-backlog-
Target Milestone: mozilla35 → ---
backlog: --- → -
Rank: 55
Priority: P2 → P5
Sevaan: can you check if there's something more here to be done?
Flags: needinfo?(sfranks)
If I move the icon to the menu and click it, the panel opens from the top-left of the browser, which is not good.

Could we have it so that if you click on the Hello icon if it is in the menu, the menu closes and the Hello panel hangs from the hamburger menu?
Flags: needinfo?(sfranks)
Sevaan: can you open a new ticket that describes what you say, and mark this ticket as a duplicate of that ticket?
Flags: needinfo?(sfranks)
Closed: 8 years ago
Flags: needinfo?(sfranks)
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
(In reply to Sevaan Franks [:sevaan] from comment #9)
> If I move the icon to the menu and click it, the panel opens from the
> top-left of the browser, which is not good.

This is actually, a slightly different (and badly described bug).

The bug here is that originally when in the menu, we were acting as a slide-in panel, similar to the "developer" button. This bug was to make sure we looked good there.

However, there were various bugs that made us revert it to the "open panel separately" style that we see today.

So, should we aim to be a slide-in panel (once we've fixed the other issues, bug 1057472, or can we continue as we are today (with the position fix)?
Flags: needinfo?(sfranks)
Resolution: DUPLICATE → ---
> So, should we aim to be a slide-in panel (once we've fixed the other issues,
> bug 1057472, or can we continue as we are today (with the position fix)?

Position fix, please. The slide-in panel will not be necessary when we switch to a sidebar experience.
Flags: needinfo?(sfranks)
I'm a little surprised by the side-bar for everything, but anyway... lets go with wontfix for now.
Closed: 8 years ago8 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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