Closed Bug 102789 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

MAPI: Unable to launch mozilla on XP when sending from WordPad


(MailNews Core :: Simple MAPI, defect, P3)

Windows 2000


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: ji, Assigned: tiantian)


Build: 10/01 testing build 
OS: XP-Ja (according to Tiantian, Esther has seen this on a US XP)

It failed to bring up mozilla when I send from WordPad, it brought up
Communicator 4.x instead although I specified mozilla as the default mail
client. Deleting the component.reg file doesn't help.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Install mozilla as the default mail client.
2. Open Wordpad, enter something and select File | Send
   The User Profile Manager of Communicator 4.78 has been launched. No mozilla.
Summary: Unable to launch mozilla on XP when sending from WordPad → MAPI: Unable to launch mozilla on XP when sending from WordPad
Esther, what your settings on WinXP en? I was able to launch mozilla on WinXP US
while i had WordPad and Communicator 4.7 installed. I remember that some
conditions  to reproduce this were to have MS Office and Outlook ( i have
Outlook Express but no Office). So with the applications i have and OE set as a
default mail client i am still able to launch mozilla..
cc Esther.
I retested this with 10/02 testing build ( the  problem was originally seen on
10/01 testing build). And it can bring up mozilla now when sending from WordPad,
but I never be able to send successfully. After I enter correct username and
passwd, it doesn't progress any further, no mail compose window. 
yep, no mail compostion comes up, i have the same experience on WinNT.
maybe we have to change the summary of this bug since the issue is not the
launch on XP but "not being able to send mail..." and it applies to other
Windows systems as well?
Trix tested this on the XP in our lab, it's working as expected. However, we 
have not been able to find out why it's not working on Esther's XP.

Did you try send mail from MS Word/Excel/Powerpoint on win XP? 
Now I started mozilla with a new profile as Trix has suggested, and I got a new
problem: the first time when I open Mail window from mozilla, I got a question
asking me if I want set Mozilla as the default mail client, I answered yes. But
when I go the preference page, the check box Of "Use Mozilla mail as the default
mail application" is not checked! So I manually checked the checkbox and exit
Mozilla, then relaunched it, the checkbox is still not checked. I can't make
mozilla as the default mail application from the preference setting. And with
this, I'm unable to bring up mozilla when send from WordPad.
In regards to it not progressing further after you enter your username, could
you do the following steps:

1. In Mozilla, create a new test profile(ie., Moz-test).
2. In Moz-test, create a valid email account(perhaps setup your netscape email
3. Now create a new email and send to yourself.
4. After successful send, make sure its displayed in your inbox.
5. If your able to successfully send through mozilla, then you should be able to
send through any SMAPI enabled app. like wordpad.  Try sending a doc now through
WINWORD or Wordpad.

If it works successfully now, then it looks like the problem with the compose
window would be centered around the profile.  Tiantian experienced similar
results(compose window not displayed after entering logon info), but after
creating a new profile and successfully sending, it worked using any app.
Trix, I can't bring up mozilla again with a new profile. Please see my comments
at 2001-10-03 17:18. Thanks.
ji has a different system than Esther does.   We should try to figure out the
why this is working for Trix on XP, but not for ji or esther.

Which builds of XP are you using?
i just re-tested this on WINNT where i've seen the same problem as Xianglan did
on XP( the mail composition wouldn't come up after entering user name and password)
1. In Mozilla, create a new test profile(ie., Moz-test).
2. In Moz-test, create a valid email account(perhaps setup your netscape email
3. Now create a new email and send to yourself.
4. After successful send, make sure its displayed in your inbox.
5. If your able to successfully send through mozilla, then you should be able to
send through any SMAPI enabled app. like wordpad.  Try sending a doc now through
WINWORD or Wordpad.
After doing all that the composition window came up and i was able successfully
send/get mail with doc attachment
I have been using Japanese XP RC2.
its possible that its relative to a configuration issue than it being XP. JI &
Marina, in the winnt/system32 directory, run "dir mapi*". Is there a
mapi32_moz_bak.dll? what size is this file? 133k? 5k? what is the size of the
Mapi32.dll? 5k? 133k? 

If you have Outlook Express, can you launch it and select Outlook Express to be
your default email client.  This will force Microsoft to copy their Mapi32.dll
and install it in the winnt/system32 dir.  Could you return back to the
winnt/system32 directory and type "ren map32_moz_bak.dll moz_map32dll.bak".  

Could you set up an email account through Express and successfully send an email
to yourself? Then launch Winword and attempt to send a doc. Does Word bring up
Oulook Express' New Message window? Send successfully, close Express, and launch
Mozilla and select Mozilla to be the default email client.  if you go back to
the winnt/system32 directory, mozilla should have copied it's Mapi32.dll(~5k) in
that directory and renamed Express' mapi file to Mapi32_moz_bak.dll (~133k). Did
that happen?  If so, then can you try the steps i mentioned previously again?

My concern is because we are copying and making backups of existing files that
other apps use and we're working with a test build only(no
installer/uninstaller) that its possible we're creating awkward environments.
Yulian and Krishnamohan have come over to my cube to check my environment. There
is something wrong with my mapi32*.dll files on my system. After Krishnamohan
has cleaned up the dll files, now I can launch  mozilla when sending from MS
word, but not from WordPad. Basically WordPad is expecting a faster response
from Mozilla, but it doesn't get, so sending has failed. I'll log another bug
for this.
This one can be closed as WFM if Esther's problem has been solved.
My problem is solved, but I'm not sure if it was solved because I de-installed
Office97 & Communicator 4.7 or if it was because I didn't realize I had to
uncheck the MAPI support in 4.7 to disable it as the MAPI default mail app. 
After somewhat cleaning up my system, I then installed Office97 again and
Communicator 4.7 and found I was still forced to use 4.7 as the MAPI default for
mail not matter what I selected in the Internet Properties.  I then realize that
simply changing the Internet Explorer|Internet Properties|Programs to have
Outlook be the default email app didn't work.  It only worked after I deselected
it from 4.7.  After this I was able to launch Mozilla from Word97, Powerpoint,
Excel, & Wordpad.  Now, I have the problem of not being able to remove Mozilla
as the default. I think that is addressed in 10275.   
correction: above comment should be 102705 no 10275
Esther: could you please try using today's 0.9.4 build to test on your XP? And 
please see comments from ji. 
Priority: -- → P3
WFM per Ester
Keywords: nsbranch-
Mark as depedent to meta bug 103807
Blocks: 103807
Removed dependency to bug 103807
No longer blocks: 103807
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
verified resolution
Product: MailNews → Core
Product: Core → MailNews Core
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