Closed Bug 1031862 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

Adding a bug suggestion with nothing pinned should select the current job


(Tree Management :: Treeherder, defect, P1)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: philor, Assigned: camd)



Typical sheriff workflow using tbpl for the most common case, a single intermittent failure in a single job:

* n to go to the next unstarred job
* click the correct bug suggestion
* one of "C, ctrl+enter" or clicking "add a comment" "Add Comment" or clicking the one-click star

Using treeherder:

* n to go to the next unstarred job
* click the correct bug suggestion
* either shift+click the job or click the pin-the-current icon
* maybe change the classification
* click the save button

Part of my objection to the difference is bug 1030686, the requirement to stay on the mouse after having gone there to click the bug suggestion, but I can't come up with any reason to be able to add a bug without also pinning the current job.
Was about to file this - yeah we really need to optimise these common workflows a lot - having classification of failure types and all is great (and much needed), however we need to make sure it doesn't impact sheriffing speed. Given the impact on workflow, marking blocking.
Assignee: nobody → cdawson
makes perfect sense.  fixed.  will show in next push.
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Thank you for this :-)
Priority: -- → P1
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