Closed Bug 1031884 Opened 10 years ago Closed 8 years ago

Table borders with 1px sometimes missing or double width


(Core :: Layout: Tables, defect)

30 Branch
Windows 7
Not set





(Reporter: shifty9110, Unassigned)


User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:30.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/30.0 (Beta/Release)
Build ID: 20140605174243

Steps to reproduce:

Please watch the video:
For the first problem you just need a table where "border-collapse = collapse" for TABLE and TDs and positive value of "padding" for TDs.

Actual results:

Video shows two different sites with 1px collapsed borders in tables.
In the first case a border line is doubled and when I scroll the page the doubled border jumps to the other border line. But there no reason for double border to appear there.
In the second case you see that sometimes border line disappears, but when I scroll the page it apperars again.
I've verified markup and CSS styles and have found out that problem shown at the first part of the video is solved if I turn off attribute "padding" for TD.

Expected results:

Border lines must not be doubled or disapper without a reason. Also they must not to apper if I just scroll a page.
Component: Untriaged → General
Can you please provide a minimal, self-contained testcase for the problem?
Oh I see. Does that problem still happen after "View > Zoom > Reset"? 
Might be a graphics issue.
Component: General → Untriaged
Summary: Border problems → Table borders with 1px sometimes missing or double width
(In reply to Andre Klapper from comment #2)
> Oh I see. Does that problem still happen after "View > Zoom > Reset"? 
> Might be a graphics issue.

Hello Andre!
I've just tested the first site (and another site with a similar table). The problem has been solved after I followed your tip. Unfortunately, I have no ability to test the second site for it's down now. I will inform about results when it's up.
But I find this is not a solution to reset zoom if table borders appear in a wrong way. Double border line apprears in Firefox only (Opera, Chrome and IE show table correctly).
The second trouble has also been solved when zoom was reseted.
QuickSearch of "[table [border [thick|[double" shows 3 other bugs, which are in Core:: Layout: Tables.
User Agent 	Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:46.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/46.0
Version 	46.0a1
Build ID 	20160107030235
Channel 	nightly

Thank you for taking time to report this.
Are you still able to reproduce this in the latest version ? Do you have public test case ? Thanks
Component: Untriaged → Layout: Tables
Flags: needinfo?(shifty9110)
Product: Firefox → Core
Closing this as incomplete due to lack response from the reporter. 
Feel free to reopen the bug if it reproduces in the latest versions. Thanks
Closed: 8 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
Flags: needinfo?(shifty9110)
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