Closed Bug 1034575 Opened 10 years ago Closed 7 years ago


(Webmaker Graveyard :: Hive, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: rufus5576, Assigned: dron.rathore)


User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:33.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/33.0 (Beta/Release)
Build ID: 20140703030200

Steps to reproduce:

Browse to :

Actual results:

1. Even after popping up the Contact Form, The parent page is active.
2. The regular expression for Email Address is not proper.
3. If any mismatched regex for email is given and submit button is pressed, the form gets struck. Reload is only option
4. After submitting the query the form neither closes nor active.
5. No Close button/option for the form

Expected results:

1. Only the popup should be active.
2. The regEx for email should be still robust (If you think).
3. The form should be still editable even after pressing the submit button.
4. Either Close the form or Make it active for another query submission.
5. Provide a close button/cancel button in the bottom or have a close 'x' option at the top-right
Dron Boy , You got to keep track of all these bugs.
Flags: needinfo?(dron.rathore)
Looks good to me , Except the 4th one.
Firstly that's not a popup box, its a dedicated page for Contact. Regarding RegEx its been implemented by input[type="email"], so its browser specific(even if you insert an invalid email, the form is being tested against regex on server side so relax :) ).

As far as form being getting disabled, I am figuring it out. A weird behaviour of JS. Squash.js:168, the assignment isn't working that should be working according to the syntax. I am writing a quick fix of iterate and enable as of now.

Thanks for bringing this to notice. :)

Flags: needinfo?(dron.rathore)
Ever confirmed: true
Changes will reflect in next deploy. :) #Resolved
@burri: I didn't get any notification mail, atleast someone would have looked up the repo contributor box or dropped a mail to community mailing list if it gets un noticed, will look after these no onwards. Just add me to the team of mailing list, who all gets the notification when a bug is been submitted to "Hive"(but that will be too bulky for me as I am dealing with just Hive Website), so maybe putting it up on wiki will help(and i guess there is a page, hope so :P ). :)
Assignee: nobody → dron.rathore
Closing this bug as part of the deprecation of the Webmaker product on Bugzilla.
Closed: 7 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
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