Closed Bug 104248 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

More cache space allocated than available profile space


(Core Graveyard :: Profile: BackEnd, enhancement)

Windows 2000
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: bugs, Assigned: ccarlen)


(Whiteboard: DUPEME)

0.9.4: When installing from new zipfiles to a user's personal space, mozilla by default sets a large cache. System settings may be to have a much smaller allocated profile space; for example at Uni we get 8Mb for all programs. Moz should not exceed or hog this space. Alternatively, it could offer to put the cache in a more generous disk allocation elsewhere.
There's probably a bug filed against cache on this problem. I can't seem to find it though. I agree this is a serious problem and it goes beyond just the cache: mail can put huge amounts of data in your profile dir as well. This could be fixed *if* it was possible to have a "Move Profile" button in the profile mgr UI. See bug 77924. Fixing that is quite a bit of work on the backend because Windows & Unix use absolute file paths all over the place for profile-relative files. Gordon, you mentioned that it has been requested to place the cache elsewhere via a pref. What do you think of just allowing the whole profile to move as this would solve several problems at once?
I think the ability to move profiles is good. However, I think many users will still want to be able to store their cache directories in a different place than their profiles. I don't think the additional flexibility would hurt, once we figure out the locking strategy (but that's a different bug).
No dupes found. Marking NEW. Conrad: -> Networking:Cache ? Gordon: A pref for setting the cache directory is bug 46490.
Ever confirmed: true
Whiteboard: DUPEME
There might be an easy way around this without getting into prefs UI and having it change at runtime. As somebody suggested on bug 46490, you should be able to make an alias (shortcut, symlink) to the "Cache" dir and move the actual one wherever. The reason this doesn't work is that nsLocalFile only resolves aliases at the leaf node. Either that, or nsILocalFile::Append() should resolve the leaf before appending to it. If it was done with an alias, it would be possible for the (probably) few people who need to do this but not clutter up the prefs UI for those that don't.
The problem I mentioned about not being able to make an alias to the cache dir - I'm working on that this moment. It's bug 100828. I'll make it a dup of that. As far as having UI to allow the user to specify another location, that is or should be another bug. *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 100828 ***
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Verified as a duplicate of 100828
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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