Closed Bug 104313 Opened 23 years ago Closed 9 years ago

UI for blame of previous versions should be more visible


(Webtools Graveyard :: Bonsai, defect, P1)


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: gerv, Assigned: tara)


Currently, it is very hard to get Bonsai to show you a file as it was in a previous version. One way of doing this is by asking for the blame for that version, but links to this ability are not exposed in the UI. This is a serious deficiency, easily remedied. Gerv
I'll second that. Had a use for it the other day and ended up settling for cvs annotate on the command line. :)
See bug 80386 for whitespace-ignoring bonsai cvsblame.
My goal is to avoid making any menu grow too fast, and having a single optionlist for all revisions and all tags/branches would be a disaster for mozilla/configure. So my suggestion is 2 selects, one for branches and one for revisions and two listboxes to show the other symbolic names for the selected branch/revision. Problems to address: how should we select the symbolic name for the <select>s oldest, newest, alphabetical... At first I leaned towards newest, as did tara, then I wavered to oldest, but I'm still fence sitting. mozilla/configure Branch [ FastLoadXUL_20020410_BASE (1.949) |^] Revision [ NETSCAPE_7_0_PR1_RELEASE (1.949.2.4) |^] Symbolic names for 1.949 Symbolic names for 1.949.2.4 /---------------------------v-\ /--------------------------v-\ | FastLoadXUL_20020410_BASE |^| | MOZILLA_1_0_RC2_RELEASE |^| | MOZILLA_1_0_0_BASE | | | NETSCAPE_7_0_PR1_BASE | | | |v| | NETSCAPE_7_0_PR1_RELEASE |v| \---------------------------^-/ \--------------------------^-/ Problems not addressed by this design: Deep branching. The easiest way to do it in keeping with this architecture is to add extra pairs of select/listbox for each extra branch so AUTOCONF_NSPR_WIN32_XCOMPILE_19990621_BRANCH: would trigger three <select>s and three <listbox>es. Anyone could of course enter a rev manually into the url field or use some other tool to browse them. a submit button will probably be used, and the originmost <select> will win in the event the user changes more than one. (So if you switch to N3 (1.100) and MOZILLA_1_0_0_2002052821 (1.949.2.6) you will end up at N3. The example above is actually missing an optionlist/select pair the select would have: NETSCAPE_7_0_PR1_BASE: 1.949.2.4 NETSCAPE_7_0_PR1_BRANCH: 1.949. and the listbox would either have the same content as the second listbox or would be disable/replaced by content indicating it's the same tag as the earlier one.
QA Contact: matty → timeless
I think that's a bit overkill for the short-term, though certainly meriting a long-term discussion. In the mean time, I'm identifying areas to make this somewhat better, starting with making the default "blame" link on cvsview2 point to the revision getting diffed, rather than the tip. Next, evaluating other flow paths to cvsblame.cgi
Priority: -- → P1
QA Contact: timeless → bonsai
Bonsai was decommissioned, closing all remaining bugs "wontfix"
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Product: Webtools → Webtools Graveyard
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