Open Bug 1049277 Opened 10 years ago Updated 2 years ago

ScrollbarActivity animates fade effect for documents in BF cache


(Core :: Layout, defect)





(Reporter: bkelly, Unassigned)



While investigating bug 995688 we found that ScrollbarActivity is continuing to animate the scrollbar fade effect for documents that have been frozen and places in the BF cache.

It seems that ScrollbarActivity should observe the DOM_WINDOW_FROZEN_TOPIC in order to stop animating while frozen.
Or Presshell/Prescontext should just tell it to unregister itself from refreshdriver, or
hmm... why does refreshdriver even tick here.
Though, it is possible, in theory at least, to move a document to bfcache during a tick.
But still, why do we even see a tick here.
I saw multiple opacity changes when I had instrumentation added.  So it seems like many ticks are seen.
Severity: normal → S3
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