Closed Bug 1053229 Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago

Typing quickly in the awesomebar can show " >> autocomplete-result" as inline autocomplete


(Toolkit :: Places, defect)

Windows 7
Not set





(Reporter: jaws, Unassigned)


I keep seeing a bug where while typing in the address bar I can see " >> something" added on to the typed portion. It's hard to reproduce but I have seen it now multiple times. <Unfocused> jaws: in some ways its expected - generically autocomplete is meant to do that when the autofilled value doesn't start with the typed in value. but for the urlbar, we aren't intending to autofill if that's the case OK, well maybe because I type fast or something, but I only see a flicker of it so in that sense it's not really expected because it's not on screen long enough to see what it is. It moreso appears as what looks like a graphical glitch <Unfocused> jaws: ah, if it's due to fast typing, then it may be due to the autofill being async now. [...] there's meant to already be protection against that happening Unfocused> jaws: [...] so maybe file a bug dependent on 791776? (Seen on multiple versions of Firefox Nightly v34 2014-08-12 and earlier, maybe starting around Aug 1 or July 20. Running Windows7.)
I don't see the relation with bug 791776... I think this is dupe of bug 1051830.
Closed: 11 years ago
No longer depends on: 791776
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
ah I see the relation now, btw the dependency is not really useful and I think it never happened with old autocomplete even if it was ALREADY async. IT's something due to the fact unified complete doesn't use a typeahead result.
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