Closed Bug 105474 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

Problem retrieving sign/encrypt msg sent from OE


(MailNews Core :: Security: S/MIME, defect, P1)

1.0 Branch
Windows NT


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: alam, Assigned: KaiE)



Build: S/MIME experimental build (2001-10-17) Using the experimental build to retrieve a S/MIME message (both sign and encrypt) sent from Outlook Express 5.5, the first Alert dialog box pop up saying: "This mail message was encrypted by the sender" Click Okay, and the second Alert dialog box pop up with the same content: "This mail message was encrypted by the sender" It should say the message was digitally signed by the sender (instead of "encrypted") Click Ok, the original message body is displayed correctly. Note: It worked for communicator 4.x. (one dialog for encryption and other for signing)
Priority: -- → P1
Target Milestone: --- → 2.2
Component: Client Library → S/MIME
QA Contact: junruh → alam
Blocks: 74157
S/MIME bugs are automatically nsbeta1 candidates. (this is a bulk update - there may be some adjustment of the list).
Keywords: nsbeta1
Keywords: nsbeta1+
to kai. I don't think this is an issue anymore.
Assignee: ddrinan → kaie
Keywords: nsbeta1
Antonio, can you please send me a signed and encrypted message using OE?
Re-tested with 2002031303 trunk build. Mozilla failed to detect the digital signature part of the S/MIME message sent from OE (both signed/encrypted), it only show <encrypted> in the message pane. I will attached the security information dialog shot. Same sign/encrypt message can be read correctly in Communicator 4.78. Verified that mozilla worked fine with sign only or encrypt only message from OE, but not BOTH.
Summary: S/MIME: Problem retrieving sign/encrypt msg from OE → Problem retrieving sign/encrypt msg sent from OE
QA Contact: alam → carosendahl
We should retest this, once I have landed the patch in bug 119418. Antonio, if it is easy for you to do, can you please send me a signed and encrypted message? (I remember there were problems with the dual key certificates and OE, but I will you send a signed message from an account that uses a single certificate.)
Thanks, Antonio, for sending the message from OE. With my patch in bug 119418, your message is displayed as being both encrypted and signed. Making dependent on 119418, we should verify once it has landed.
Depends on: 119418
Bug 119418 landed on the trunk. Please test whether this bug is fixed.
Bug 135536 is related to this, and neither seem to be resolved yet.
I think this bug was fixed with my check in with bug 119418, currently on the trunk only. If you are able to reproduce with a nightly trunk build, please reopen the bug. *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 119418 ***
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Fixed for me with 2002041503, the patch for bug 119418 did indeed solve this too.
Verified fix in Mac/Win 0416 Trunk Builds. Will reverify on branch using Bug 119418.
Product: PSM → Core
Version: psm2.1 → 1.0 Branch
Product: Core → MailNews Core
QA Contact: carosendahl → s.mime
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