Closed Bug 105477 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

Communicator is brought up when doing MAPI send with new branch build installed over yesterday's build


(MailNews Core :: Simple MAPI, enhancement, P4)

Windows NT


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: tiantian, Assigned: srilatha)



On win NT4.0.

Repro steps:
1) Set NS as default mail client.
2) Test that MAPI working fine.
3) WITHOUT UNINSTALL, install a new 0.9.4 branch build. ( new = 1 day elder. )
4) Opend the newly installed NS client, note that NS is the default mail client
in the pref panel.
5) Open an Excel/Powerpoint/Word doc, do File |Send To|Mail recipient. 

Actual result:
Compose window in communicator is brought up.

Expected result:
Compose window in NS6.2 should be brought up.

More info:
This happened to me twice. 
(1) When I install M0.9.4 branch build from 10/17 over the build from 10/16,
without uninstall the 10/16 build. ( However I cannot repro this, and Trix
tried, cannot repro)
(2) When I install M0.9.4 branch build from 10/18 over the build from 10/17,
without uninstall the 10/17 build. ( cannot repro. Maybe it only happens the
first time???)

This maybe a problem for some internal testers who install new daily build over
yesterday's build without uninstall yesterday's build.

The walkaround to solve the problem is: in the new NS client, uncheck the pref
of selecting NS as default mail client, then recheck. 

Need help to get a reliable repro case.

Enhancement for next release.
Severity: normal → enhancement
Priority: -- → P4
Cannot reproduce this problem. Works fine on my NT machine. Tiantina I will have 
to look at you machine and figure out why you are seeing this problem.
Trix was not able to reproduce this problem too.
On NT 4.0:
Using 2001-10-17-18-0.9.4/ (though agent string says 10-19) 
and then installing  2001-10-22-18-0.9.4/ over the 10-17
build, I could not reproduce this bug. It works as expected.
Blocks: 103807
Tested using two recent builds
2001-11-05-22-0.9.4ec and

Works for me on win NT.

Since it works for Trix, Srilatha, and Gary too, mark the bug as worksforme.

Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Hi, Trix: Pls verify. Thx.
marking verified
Product: MailNews → Core
Product: Core → MailNews Core
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