Closed Bug 1057188 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

L10n follow-up for mount/unmount SD card


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::Settings, defect)

Not set


(blocking-b2g:2.1+, b2g-v2.1 fixed, b2g-v2.2 fixed)

2.1 S4 (12sep)
blocking-b2g 2.1+
Tracking Status
b2g-v2.1 --- fixed
b2g-v2.2 --- fixed


(Reporter: theo, Assigned: iliu)



(Keywords: late-l10n, verifyme)


(1 file, 1 obsolete file)

We should replace "..." with "…" in

No need to change the entity, typography fixing only.
Assignee: nobody → tchevalier
Attachment #8477166 - Flags: review?(arthur.chen)
Also, removing the space before ":"
>total-size=Total size : {{size}}

Didn't see it in the UI yet, but at first glance it's wrong, we need {{size}} {{unit}}

Like for the string in system:
sdcard-total-size-body=Total size: {{size}} {{unit}}

This would require a new entity name, this time.
Summary: formatting=Formatting... should use ellipsis character → L10n follow-up for mount/unmount SD card
Comment on attachment 8477166 [details] [review]
Link to Github pull-request:

Canceling for now as it might require more work
Attachment #8477166 - Flags: review?(arthur.chen)
"total-size" doesn't look to be used anywhere…
sdcard-removed-eject-successfully=Eject successfully
sdcard-removed-not-eject-properly=Not eject properly

Neo, I don't see those strings in the UX spec. Is it correct in English?
Flags: needinfo?(neo.hsieh)
And "sdcard-detected=SD Card detected" doesn't seem to be used in Settings.
Sorry for the noise, I have another comment.

>sdcard-unknown-size-tap-to-format-body=Unknown, tap to format

This string doesn't make much sense to me, wasn't it supposed to be: "Unknown size, tap to format"?
I have a couple more

> total-size=Total size : {{size}}
Space before column seems wrong.

> unmount-sdcard-message=You will not be able to access the content stored on SD card in certain apps after unmount it. Do you want to proceed?
> sdcardUnmounted=SD card unmounted
You just went full jargon: I assume this message is displayed when I eject an SD card. While "eject" is a concept familiar to most of people, unmount is just a technical concept for Linux users.

> sdcard-removed-title=SD card removed
Removed, unmounted or ejected? Unless there are 3 separate concepts/actions.
De-assigning myself until the situation get clarified.
Assignee: tchevalier → nobody
(In reply to Théo Chevalier [:tchevalier] from comment #5)
> "total-size" doesn't look to be used anywhere…

To be honest I can't find 'sdcard-detected' used either from
I'd assume these 2 strings should not be used since the alert is displayed from system
Attachment #8477166 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Is there a specific string (or strings) I should be looking at here? Could someone put them into a bug comment? Thanks.
All the strings landed are here (in green)

These two look just wrong (Eject vs Ejected)
> sdcard-removed-eject-successfully=Eject successfully
> sdcard-removed-not-eject-properly=Not eject properly

In these I don't think that "unmount" is the right verb to use (sounds too technical)
> unmount-sdcard-message=You will not be able to access the content stored on SD card in certain apps after unmount it. Do you want to proceed?
> sdcardUnmounted=SD card unmounted

I also believe that we're using a mix of remove/eject/unmount to talk about the same feature.
(In reply to Francesco Lodolo [:flod] from comment #13)
> All the strings landed are here (in green)
> These two look just wrong (Eject vs Ejected)
> > sdcard-removed-eject-successfully=Eject successfully
> > sdcard-removed-not-eject-properly=Not eject properly

Agreed. Here are my edits:

+change-default-location-confirmation=Changing the default media storage location will affect where photos, videos, downloads and other media will be saved by default. Existing data will remain in its current location. Do you want to proceed?

+unmount-sdcard-message=You will not be able to access the content stored on the SD card in certain apps after you unmount it. Do you want to proceed?

+sdcard-removed-eject-successfully=Ejected successfully

+sdcard-removed-not-eject-properly=Not ejected properly

> In these I don't think that "unmount" is the right verb to use (sounds too
> technical)
> > unmount-sdcard-message=You will not be able to access the content stored on SD card in certain apps after unmount it. Do you want to proceed?
> > sdcardUnmounted=SD card unmounted
> I also believe that we're using a mix of remove/eject/unmount to talk about
> the same feature.

I didn't change this in the above strings, but I agree that we should be consistent. My only question is whether each one refers to the same action or not.

If so, I would recommend using "remove" throughout.

Stephany, can you add this to your list of things to review?

Flags: needinfo?(swilkes)
Thanks Matej!

I'm wondering if we can shorten the rather lengthy media message from "where photos, videos, downloads and other media" to "where all media" or "where photos and all media"?

I'm also trying to think of a way to better communicate user consequence in "You will not be able to access the content stored on the SD card in certain apps after you unmount it. Do you want to proceed?" I'm not sure how much it helps the user to know "in certain apps" without knowing which apps those are, for instance. Perhaps we can say "You will not be able to access content on the SD card after you unmount it" which makes the point pretty clearly. Thoughts?
Flags: needinfo?(swilkes)
Flags: needinfo?(neo.hsieh)
(In reply to Stephany Wilkes from comment #15)
> Thanks Matej!
> I'm wondering if we can shorten the rather lengthy media message from "where
> photos, videos, downloads and other media" to "where all media" or "where
> photos and all media"?
> I'm also trying to think of a way to better communicate user consequence in
> "You will not be able to access the content stored on the SD card in certain
> apps after you unmount it. Do you want to proceed?" I'm not sure how much it
> helps the user to know "in certain apps" without knowing which apps those
> are, for instance. Perhaps we can say "You will not be able to access
> content on the SD card after you unmount it" which makes the point pretty
> clearly. Thoughts?

+1 to both of those, at least from my POV.
(In reply to Théo Chevalier [:tchevalier] from comment #6)
> sdcard-removed-eject-successfully=Eject successfully
> sdcard-removed-not-eject-properly=Not eject properly
> Neo, I don't see those strings in the UX spec. Is it correct in English?

Please reference the UX spec. from [2.1 Settings] MTP_SD card v1.3.pdf( I implement the user story according to definition here.
It's on page 14, but that doesn't change that the strings aren't proper English.

Let's follow Matej's and Stephanie's input here, and fix the spec afterwards.
Keywords: late-l10n
[Blocking Requested - why for this release]:

We have bad quality English strings in product, we need to fix them on 2.1 before string freeze on 09/12/14.

Feel free to take this bug, I'm not sure I'll have enough spare time to fix it in the next days.
blocking-b2g: --- → 2.1?
Triage: blocking as bad quality English.
Assignee: nobody → iliu
blocking-b2g: 2.1? → 2.1+
Attached file pull request 23887
Hi Matej and Théo, 

Could you please help to review the patch according to above refinement and input. I don't make the verb remove/eject/unmount to be consistent because no clearly conclusion for the verb. If we want to make it consistent, we have to change all of the wording on button/notification-message/dialog. Feel free to correct me if I miss something in the patch. Thanks.
Attachment #8487007 - Flags: review?(tchevalier)
Attachment #8487007 - Flags: review?(Mnovak)
Left some comments on the PR.

Unfortunately at this point you need new string IDs for most of them, that also means you need to change code and get the PR reviewed by a module owner/peer.
Comment on attachment 8487007 [details] [review]
pull request 23887

Francesco, thanks for your review quickly. Should I keep review request from Matej and Théo?

Arthur, could you please review the patch for some string ID changed? Thanks.
Attachment #8487007 - Flags: review?(arthur.chen)
(In reply to Ian Liu [:ianliu] from comment #23)
> Comment on attachment 8487007 [details] [review]
> pull request 23887
> Francesco, thanks for your review quickly. Should I keep review request from
> Matej and Théo?
Already updated the patch for needed new string ID.
Strings look good to me now, no need to ask Théo for review.

There were some doubts about unmount, but at this point is important to land this as soon as possible (before 2.1 is string frozen, which is next Friday).
Comment on attachment 8487007 [details] [review]
pull request 23887

Per comment 25, clear up the review request.
Attachment #8487007 - Flags: review?(tchevalier)
Attachment #8487007 - Flags: review?(Mnovak)
Comment on attachment 8487007 [details] [review]
pull request 23887

LGTM, thanks!
Attachment #8487007 - Flags: review?(arthur.chen) → review+
Updated patch to change the default string to the new one. Let's wait try-server pass for test.
All green, thanks :)

Setting checking-needed as it must have landed on 2.1 tomorrow and we need to land on master first.
Keywords: checkin-needed
Gaia/master:  6a533b800e1fa794013887761e62dd4f4d34cea1
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Comment on attachment 8487007 [details] [review]
pull request 23887

[Approval Request Comment]
[Bug caused by] (feature/regressing bug #): Bug 1057188
[User impact] if declined: Incorrect string in English.
[Testing completed]: Try-server test passed.
[Risk to taking this patch] (and alternatives if risky): Low.
[String changes made]: 5 new strings added, 1 punctuation revised.
Attachment #8487007 - Flags: approval-gaia-v2.1?(fabrice)
This doesn't have approval to land yet. We have queries that'll find this when it does :)
Keywords: checkin-needed
Attachment #8487007 - Flags: approval-gaia-v2.1?(fabrice) → approval-gaia-v2.1+
I was able to verify the following strings on Flame 2.2 and 2.1:

- "You will not be able to access content on the SD card after you unmount it. Do you want to proceed?"

- "Changing the default media storage location will affect where all media will be saved by default. Existing data will remain in its current location. Do you want to proceed?"

- "Formatting…"

- "When I selected "Eject SD card", "SD card unmounted" banner at the bottom appeared."

Can I get exact STRs to verify other strings please? I was unable to get strings such as "Unknown size, tap to format", "Ejected successfully", "Not ejected properly".

Flame 2.2

Device: Flame Master (319mb)(Kitkat Base)(Full Flash)
Build ID: 20141028040202
Gaia: 6a7fb482a03c5083ef79b41e7b0dfab27527cd04
Gecko: a255a234946e
Version: 36.0a1 (Master)
Firmware Version: v188
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Mobile; rv:36.0) Gecko/36.0 Firefox/36.0
Flame 2.1 

Device: Flame 2.1 (319mb)(Kitkat Base)(Full Flash)
BuildID: 20141028001203
Gaia: a0174f7166745256aaca1cb3aa9f894033fbffa6
Gecko: 43bda3541f6b
Gonk: 6e51d9216901d39d192d9e6dd86a5e15b0641a89
Version: 34.0 (2.1)
Firmware: V188
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Mobile; rv:34.0) Gecko/34.0 Firefox/34.0
QA Whiteboard: [QAnalyst-Triage?]
Flags: needinfo?(ktucker)
Flags: needinfo?(lebedel.delphine)
QA Whiteboard: [QAnalyst-Triage?] → [QAnalyst-Triage+]
Flags: needinfo?(ktucker)
(In reply to Yeojin Chung [:YeojinC] from comment #34)
> I was able to verify the following strings on Flame 2.2 and 2.1:
> - "You will not be able to access content on the SD card after you unmount
> it. Do you want to proceed?"
> - "Changing the default media storage location will affect where all media
> will be saved by default. Existing data will remain in its current location.
> Do you want to proceed?"
> - "Formatting…"
> - "When I selected "Eject SD card", "SD card unmounted" banner at the bottom
> appeared."
> Can I get exact STRs to verify other strings please? I was unable to get
> strings such as "Unknown size, tap to format", "Ejected successfully", "Not
> ejected properly".

I definitely remember the notifications with at least "Ejected successfully" were working when feature landed, and now it's not working anymore. I'd call that either a regression or spec update.
But from the spec version I can see, notifications should be displayed after the banner> (page 14)
Alison, was this changed in the specs or is this a regression? Please see comment 35
Flags: needinfo?(ashiue)
clearing out the ni. Thanks for helping out Theo!
Flags: needinfo?(lebedel.delphine)
Since Flame is not a hot plugging device, it may not detect SD card insert/remove very well. Please test those SD card insert/remove notifications via Helix which supports hot plugging.
Flags: needinfo?(ashiue)
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