Closed Bug 105780 Opened 23 years ago Closed 22 years ago

Page loading seems to hang on


(Core Graveyard :: Plug-ins, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: lchiang, Assigned: serhunt)




Page loading seems to hang on

Seen on Mac OS X and Win32; 094 branch builds 2001-10-19.  I need to try this on
the trunk when I get a chance.

I'm running the browser buster test of top 100 sites from 
When the page reaches,, the status says
"Connected to" and the throbber has stopped.  The next
page(s) from the browser buster never gets loaded.

My system isn't hung because I can go to other windows and even type a different
URL into the current window.
I have no problems on win2K or OS X builds on the trunk. The flash content at
the top of the page is quite a bit slower on the Mac. I tested a commercial Mac
build from a few days ago and the flash is even slower there. I'm guessing this
is tied to flash. The rest of the page is fairly straight forward. Over to plugins.
Assignee: asa → av
Component: Browser-General → Plug-ins
QA Contact: doronr → shrir
Looks fine for me on OS X and Win32 but I may need to update my branch build and
run the top100 test. 
QA Contact: shrir → petersen
I will try this also on the trunk build later today or tomorrow.  Perhaps this
issue is fixed there.  Peter, you can get the top 100 browser buster test from
Well, I pulled the latest OS X Netscape commercial build and let it ran on the
top100 browser buster then left. I came back to having somehow freed
itself from our framesets! Upon hitting back, I found I was already at pg 94 and
the test conituned. When does it stop when did you see it stall?
Oh wow, same thing happend at the above url, the page was freed from the
framesets. That could be why page loading stopped but I can still manually browse.
yes, that is what I'm seeing, Peter.  The page (xfiles) just appears to still be
loading, but I can do other things.

(I believe Browser Buster starts at a random page.)
Build 2001-10-26-06-trunk WinNT 4.0 still showing this problem.

The status bar never shows "Document Done".  The status bar shows "Connected to"

If I actually click on a link on that page and then go back, the x-files page
will show "Document Done" in the status.
It could have to do with the LoadGroup and the fact that the browser buster
script is being terminated by this page when it free's itself from the frameset.
I'm not sure if it's the same problem, but it could have to do with bug 106253.
Peter - I also see this problem if I go directly to the URL (not going through
browser buster)
WFM on Linux Redhat 7.1 with CVS builf from 12212001 for flash plugin 5.0 r47.
Browser doesn't hang. It even show 'Document done' at some moment.
But then the status bar always shows "Transferring data from". 
wfm with todays' build on win2k and mac osx.

resolving bug as WFM.
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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