Closed Bug 10590 Opened 26 years ago Closed 25 years ago

Deleting a table cell in row deletes too many cells


(Core :: DOM: Editor, defect, P3)

Mac System 8.5





(Reporter: Brade, Assigned: cmanske)



Typing in a selected cell deletes the whole table. I expect the text to be inserted into the cell. To reproduce: * Create a table with 2 cells (1 row) * Type some text in the right cell * Select the left cell * Type a letter * Notice that the table is deleted. (after several asserts)
Summary: typing in a selected cell deletes the whole table → Deleting a table cell in row deletes too many cells
This is a layout/DOM bug. I need to make a test file to isolate the cases, but it seems if you have a table with 1 row and 2 cells, deleting the first cell actually deletes both. The result is an empty row, which causes asserts because of malformed table.
Blocks: 10584
Target Milestone: M11
The asserts do not happen any more. I did some JS tests and the DOM seems OK. I think it might be related to 10584? Will explore more when deleting table work is finished.
Target Milestone: M11 → M13
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
I think fixing 10584 fixed this problem. You cannot test it in exactly the same way since cell selection isn't working now, but this will cause the same effect: 1. Create the 1 row, 2 cell table 2. Type some text in right cell 3. Place caret in left cell and execute the menu item "Table | Delete | Cell" That has the same effect as deleting the cell by typing when it is selected. Note that there is a design issue here: What do we do when table cells are selected and the user types? I don't think we should delete the cells as we would delete any other arbitrary selection when typing. This issue will be addresses as table editing work progresses.
verified in 12/20 build...although Table | Delete Cell crashes now.. filing separate bug.
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