Closed Bug 1062348 Opened 10 years ago Closed 9 years ago

[e10s] content crashes not being counted as submitted if "Try Again" not clicked


(Firefox :: General, defect)

Not set



Tracking Status
e10s + ---


(Reporter: kjozwiak, Unassigned)


(Keywords: uiwanted)

When a e10s tab or window crashes and the user has "Tell Mozilla about this crash so they can fix it." selected, closing the window or tab won't count the crash as submitted. The only way the crash is counted as a submitted crash is if the user directly selects "Try Again". I think if "Tell Mozilla about this crash so they can fix it." is selected, closing the window or tab should count the crashes even though the user didn't click on "Try Again". Steps to reproduce: 1) Download & Install the latest m-c 2) Open a new e10s window 3) Crash the e10s process by either using kill -n SIGABRT PID in OSX/Linux or crashfirefox.exe for Win ( 4) Once crashed, rather than selecting "Try Again", close the window without selecting "Try Again" Checking FHR Data: -;true - Force FHR refresh under the browser console using: Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/CrashManager.jsm"); CrashManager.Singleton.runMaintenanceTasks(); - restart fx - about:healthreport -> Raw Data You'll notice that "content-crash-submission-succeeded" won't be incremented. So basically, if "Tell Mozilla about this crash so they can fix it." is selected and the user doesn't select "Try Again", should that count as a "submission-succeeded"??
Kamil, is this still valid?
Flags: needinfo?(kjozwiak)
Looks like this isn't valid nor an issue anymore. The e10s crash manager UI has changed and "content-crash-submission-succeeded" isn't being used anymore. The following keyed histograms are now being used to track e10s crashes: > SUBPROCESS_ABNORMAL_ABORT > SUBPROCESS_CRASHES_WITH_DUMP > PROCESS_CRASH_SUBMIT_ATTEMPT > PROCESS_CRASH_SUBMIT_SUCCESS Using the tab crasher [1], I ensured that the above keyed histograms were correctly being incremented when: * the tab crashes and the user clicks on "Close This Tab" without checking the "Submit a crash" checkbox * the tab crashes and the user clicks on "Restore This Tab" without checking the "Submit a crash" checkbox * the tab crashes and the user clicks on the "X" to close the tab without checking the "Submit a crash" checkbox * the tab crashes and the user clicks on "Close This Tab" with the "Submit a crash" checkbox being selected * the tab crashes and the user clicks on "Restore This Tab" with the "Submit a crash" checkbox being selected * the tab crashes and the user clicks on the "X" to close the tab with the "Submit a crash" checkbox being selected [1]
Closed: 9 years ago
Flags: needinfo?(kjozwiak)
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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