Closed Bug 1062487 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

Loop server ringing timeout is incorrect


(Hello (Loop) :: Server, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: standard8, Unassigned)



(Whiteboard: [qa+])

Testing with or with the server running locally, I'm seeing a timeout of about 8 seconds from "alerting" to "timeout". According to the spec and the default in the configuration it is meant to be about 30 seconds.
Whiteboard: [qa+]
I did a bit of debug and the output is below. There seems to be some nasty interaction between the redis ttl for call states, and the manually implemented timeouts. In the log below: - "Timeout1" is the initial connection timeout where both clients should be connected within 10 seconds. - "Timeout2" is the ringing timeout of 30 seconds. Although the log has only bits, the ttl is first 30 seconds (ringing timeout?), then 10 seconds (connection timeout?), by the time the caller connects, its down to 9.9 s, by the time the callee connects, its down to 7.5 seconds. "Timeout1" fires, finds that the record is no longer into redis (due to the ttl having expired), and therefore assumes it is terminated, and sends out the terminate result. This is therefore ~ 20 seconds too early, as it wasn't meant to be sent out until "Timeout2" is triggered. info: op=request.summary, code=200, path=/calls/sf4oN4Z3KLc, method=get, , agent=Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.8; rv:35.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/35.0, time=2014-09-04T09:34:31Z, uid=undefined, callId=undefined, token=sf4oN4Z3KLc, v=0.11.0-DEV, name=mozilla-loop-server, hostname=Mark-Banners-MacBook-Pro.local, lang=en-US,en;q=0.5, ip=, errno=0 setCallState e82b25a8a9f1a5d42b73f45177bc77bc init setCallState e82b25a8a9f1a5d42b73f45177bc77bc init ttl 30 setCallState e82b25a8a9f1a5d42b73f45177bc77bc init ttl 10 info: op=request.summary, code=200, path=/calls/sf4oN4Z3KLc, method=post, , agent=Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.8; rv:35.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/35.0, time=2014-09-04T09:34:33Z, uid=undefined, callId=e82b25a8a9f1a5d42b73f45177bc77bc, token=sf4oN4Z3KLc, v=0.11.0-DEV, name=mozilla-loop-server, hostname=Mark-Banners-MacBook-Pro.local, lang=en-US,en;q=0.5, ip=, errno=0 getCallState e82b25a8a9f1a5d42b73f45177bc77bc getCallState e82b25a8a9f1a5d42b73f45177bc77bc helloState init setCallState e82b25a8a9f1a5d42b73f45177bc77bc init.caller ttl 9.912 getCallState e82b25a8a9f1a5d42b73f45177bc77bc getCallState e82b25a8a9f1a5d42b73f45177bc77bc info: op=request.summary, code=200, path=/calls, method=get, version=1409823273352, agent=Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.8; rv:35.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/35.0, time=2014-09-04T09:34:35Z, uid=952ccd77c40097bb6110722e6d709b5f12eb86544276d24ed7b29750e9caccd9, callId=undefined, token=undefined, v=0.11.0-DEV, name=mozilla-loop-server, hostname=Mark-Banners-MacBook-Pro.local, lang=en-US, en, ip=, errno=0 getCallState e82b25a8a9f1a5d42b73f45177bc77bc getCallState e82b25a8a9f1a5d42b73f45177bc77bc helloState init setCallState e82b25a8a9f1a5d42b73f45177bc77bc init.callee ttl 7.47 getCallState e82b25a8a9f1a5d42b73f45177bc77bc Timeout1 getCallState e82b25a8a9f1a5d42b73f45177bc77bc Timeout1 state alerting Timeout1 getCallState e82b25a8a9f1a5d42b73f45177bc77bc Falling back get call returns Terminated! Timeout1 state terminated timeout1 broadcast setCallState e82b25a8a9f1a5d42b73f45177bc77bc terminated ttl undefined setCallState e82b25a8a9f1a5d42b73f45177bc77bc terminated ttl 20 terminated! getCallState e82b25a8a9f1a5d42b73f45177bc77bc Falling back get call returns Terminated! Timeout2 getCallState e82b25a8a9f1a5d42b73f45177bc77bc Falling back get call callback null! Timeout2 state null
Blocks: 1062266
Will be fixed by Bug 1062266
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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