Closed Bug 1063759 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

When in calendar menu, bullets in calendar list should be invisible to the screen reader.


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::Calendar, defect)

Gonk (Firefox OS)
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: yzen, Assigned: andrewronksley, Mentored)



(Keywords: access, Whiteboard: [good first bug])


(1 file)

Steps to reproduce (with screen reader):
* Open calendar app
* Click on menu header icon (left side)
* Swipe right until you get to the bullet 

Observed: notice that the screen reader focus lands on it. This should not happen
Expected: the focus should be on the whole list item rather than each element inside it.

This should be fixed if the list item has a role 'option' and the container list has a role 'listbox'
yzen, can you add a link to roughly where in the Calendar source this work needs to happen?
Hi Yura. Do you want to assign this bug to me and I'll give it a shot?
Go for it.
Assignee: nobody → andrewronksley
Thanks Yura. I've been playing with the screen reader controls you get when running Gaia in Firefox Nightly and also a desktop build of B2G. I see Firefox Nightly has a text log of the output from the screen reader. Is there any way of actually getting the speech itself working or do you need an actual device for that?

I do have a Flame device on 1.3 that I can flash but I'm using it full time at the moment so I'm trying to avoid bricking it! :) If it's the only way I can switch to another phone and flash it though.

Thanks for your help…
Hi Andrew, I believe the text output with Nightly should do the trick. 

In terms of the device. You would have to flash gaia that you build so I would not recommend that if you are using it as a primary phone.
Hi Andrew, let me know if you need any pointers with the bug.
Flags: needinfo?(andrewronksley)
Hi Yura

Thanks. I made changes as you suggested (adding role="listbox" to the container list and role="option to the list items).

The behaviour seems better now. The focus lands on the entire list item as desired. The screen reader text output seems to indicate it will also read out the bullet which is CSS generated content I think? I've attached a screen shot. Would you say that's correct?

Also I seem to have done something which has broken my build of Gaia running in Firefox nightly. I'm trying to work out what I've done. So at the moment I'm not able to do much! :)
Flags: needinfo?(andrewronksley)
Hi Andrew,

Yeah the nightly is currently broken for everyone ( bug 1070830 ), but hopefully it gets fixed soon. Looks good. Yeah, from what I can tell, the CSS for the list item has a content property that is a unicode 'dot' symbol. I think the work around it is to force an aria-label attribute onto the listbox option element with the value of the calendar name. That should also help with the unnecessary 'label' word in the listbox option description (based on the screen reader output in the console).
Hi Andrew, this issue was fixed with bug 1084551, let me know if you want to try another one. FYI, you can run/debug Gaia with B2G Desktop instead of Firefox:
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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