Closed Bug 1066753 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

windows don't appear on startup after software update


(Instantbird Graveyard :: Other, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: myk, Unassigned)


(Whiteboard: [1.6-blocking])


(1 file)

Attached file error console messages
After restarting Instantbird to apply a software update from the Software Update window, the app's windows don't appear, even though the Window menu says they're open. Trying to access them from the dock doesn't help; nor does selecting them from the Window menu; but selecting Minimize from the Window menu and *then* selecting the window that was minimized does cause it to appear. I have to do that for each window individually (i.e. the buddy list window and the window containing all the conversation tabs that open automatically on startup). Alternately, if I simply restart the app again, the windows appear. So the problem only manifests on startup after an update. This has been happening for a few weeks (months?) now, so it isn't a recent regression. I use Nightly builds, and I think it reproduces consistently, but it's possible that I didn't see it once or twice after updating to the latest nightly. I definitely saw it today, after updating to version 1.6a1pre (20140912142852), which is what I have now. I don't see anything particularly relevant in the Error Console, but I'm attaching the complete set of messages I saw there this morning after experiencing this problem.
Probably doesn't truly blocks 1.6, but would be nice to at least have done some investigation of what's going on.
Whiteboard: [1.6-blocking]
Do all the windows reappear if you (instead of the above procedure) single-click on the dock icon after restart? In that case, I can reproduce. Maybe the updater restarts IB without adding a -foreground command line parameter.
Ah, yes, they do reappear if I click on the dock icon! I just updated from Friday's nightly to today's nightly, experienced the problem, and then clicked on the doc icon; the windows then appeared.
I'm not sure this is related to IB-triggered restarts specifically actually, because 1) From the code I don't see why this wouldn't be working for our updates 2) I've just seen this behaviour when starting IB by clicking on the dock icon. It may be related to a race condition when applying an update on restart though? I haven't looked into when the new version actually gets installed yet.
I haven't seen this problem for a long time now, so I'm tentatively marking it as WFM. Please reopen if it recurs.
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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