Open Bug 1068476 Opened 10 years ago Updated 10 years ago

personal messaging system in bugzilla platform is missing


(Bugzilla :: Extension Ideas, enhancement)

Not set





(Reporter: riginoommen, Unassigned)


User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/37.0.2062.120 Safari/537.36

Steps to reproduce:

If we want to contact the Reporter/Assignee as in the private mode. the EMail system is only available in the bugzilla.

1) Checking the updates in EMail and Bugzilla simultaneously makes loss of lots of time.

2) Efficient Communication between the people can be acheived to solve the bugs.

3) Reduce the spamming messages in in the bugzilla

Actual results:

When we Click the mail option the E-Mail client opens in the computer with the recipient email id.

Expected results:

1) An Interface of the private messaging system should be opened inside the bugzilla without depending the third party clients such as E-Mail etc
This would probably make a good extension, but I doubt it's something we'd want in the core Bugzilla.  I'm sure there are people that would use it if an extension that added this existed though.
Assignee: administration → extension.ideas
Component: Administration → Extension Ideas
... and is somehow related to bug 215439 (though the goal there is to never disclose the email address of users and provide a web UI to send messages, but still uses emails in the backend).
Severity: normal → enhancement
Shall we embed some group chat services in the bugzilla platform a in parallel manner and this chat services should be accessible only for the persons(REPORTER,ASSIGNEE, CC persons) who are involved in the bug.and it should support the personal communication between the persons.

I recently found a group chat service called Scrollback ( shall we use this service for the purpose.
Flags: needinfo?(default-qa)
As justdave said in comment 1, that's not something we want in the core code. I know many developers, including myself, who hate to be contacted directly, because 1) the discussion should take place in bugs themselves, and 2) information is lost between private discussions and bugs.
Flags: needinfo?(default-qa)
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