Closed Bug 1070207 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

[Gallery] Create a set of images for testing gallery


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::Gallery, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: djf, Assigned: djf)




(1 file)

46 bytes, text/x-github-pull-request
: review+
: feedback+
Details | Review
No description provided.
We need a canonical set of test images that we can use when testing the Gallery app. I want images of all supported image types (jpeg, png, gif, bmp) and subtypes (progressive jpeg, animated gif, etc.). And a variety of sizes. A full set of EXIF orientations for jpeg images. Plus some corrupt images to verify that they are properly ignored and do not hang the app.
Summary: [ → [Gallery] Create a set of images for testing gallery
Assignee: nobody → dflanagan
Blocks: 1068986
Hi David, if you collect this sample type of images, please do share them with QA. We'll use them for manual exploratory and regression tests when looking at different releases and hardware. Thanks.
I should also have images in landscape and portrait, as well as square, and tall and skinny and wide and short.
Justin, This PR is not part of the build, so it should be easy to review. It is basically a bunch of images for manual gallery testing, plus a README file and a script to push the images to a device. I created these images to help me test my patch in bug 1068986, and since you reviewed that one, I thought you'd be good to review this one as well. Tony: I set the feedback? flag for you because you expressed interest in this bug. See the README file here:
Attachment #8494102 - Flags: review?(jdarcangelo)
Attachment #8494102 - Flags: feedback?(tchung)
Comment on attachment 8494102 [details] [review] test images for gallery Very cool! This looks like a very comprehensive set of images spanning a wide range of cases.
Attachment #8494102 - Flags: review?(jdarcangelo) → review+
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Tony: now that this has landed, you can find the README file in gaia/apps/gallery/test/images/README
Hi David, thanks for the image set, I was going over the images in 2.2 KK flame, and I was wondering what I should see for below images: In gallery app, I tried to open below images: 60.jpg: exif preview is too small, should never see it (thumbnail only?) => I see the thumbnail that has this text (on green bkground), and when I open it, i see the same image i saw from the thumbnail view. is this normal? 61.jpg: exif preview has wrong aspect ratio should never see it => I see the thumbnail that has this text (on green bkground), and when I open it, i see the same image i saw from the thumbnail view. is this normal?
Flags: needinfo?(dflanagan)
(In reply to No-Jun Park [:njpark] from comment #8) > Hi David, thanks for the image set, I was going over the images in 2.2 KK > flame, and I was wondering what I should see for below images: > > In gallery app, I tried to open below images: > 60.jpg: exif preview is too small, should never see it (thumbnail only?) > => I see the thumbnail that has this text (on green bkground), and when I > open it, i see the same image i saw from the thumbnail view. is this normal? > 61.jpg: exif preview has wrong aspect ratio should never see it > => I see the thumbnail that has this text (on green bkground), and when I > open it, i see the same image i saw from the thumbnail view. is this normal? Those messages aren't very clear... But what you're seeing is correct. If you were seeing the wrong image it would have a big X mark in it and would say "you shouldn't see this" or something. For some images there are 3 versions: the very small thumbnail you see in the list of thumbnails. When you tap on a thumbnail, then what you see next is the preview image. If you double-tap or pinch on the preview, then you see the full-size image. For some images, the preview is just a down-sampled version of the full-size image. But for jpegs with embedded EXIF preview images, we use that image, assuming that it is big enough and has the right aspect ratio. In image 59, you can see the switch from embedded preview to full-size. Obviously it is stupid for the preview not to match the full image, but I did that on purpose for that test. Images 60 and 61 have embedded previews that are too small or the wrong aspect ratio, so what we're testing here is that those previews are never used. (If you use an EXIF viewer on those images, you might be able to see the previews and see that they have a different wording.)
Flags: needinfo?(dflanagan)
Comment on attachment 8494102 [details] [review] test images for gallery Thanks David. was able to get the files pushed and viewed. the only feedback i would add is some way to make it a little more clearer what we should be expecting on the grouped images. For example, images 47-54 are all orientation landscape #N, and i'm not sure from what's shown on what the differences are when switching through them. What should we look for that would be a discrepency that should or shouldnt be shown? if we end up filing bugs on a regression, it would be good to make sure our cases are clear. Can you add a bit more details to the visual behavior" to the README section? or is it good enough to just make sure it appears for the defined sets you already show?
Attachment #8494102 - Flags: feedback?(tchung) → feedback+
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