Closed Bug 1070875 Opened 10 years ago Closed 9 years ago

[Telemetry] The information of deviceID & deviceinfo.update_channel are incorrect in App usage metrics


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::System, defect)

Gonk (Firefox OS)
Not set


(blocking-b2g:2.2+, b2g-v2.2 fixed, b2g-master fixed)

2.2 S7 (6mar)
blocking-b2g 2.2+
Tracking Status
b2g-v2.2 --- fixed
b2g-master --- fixed


(Reporter: gchang, Assigned: marshall)


(Whiteboard: [priority][ft:media])


(2 files)

### Steps:
1. - (Optional) Set the retry interval to 30 sec in gaia/apps/system/js/app_usage_metrics.js
2. Change the update channel to "aurora"
3. Create a fake server to receive the data sent by device
Below is one of the data sent by device

    "apps": {
        "app://": {
            "activities": {},
            "installs": 0,
            "invocations": 1,
            "uninstalls": 0,
            "usageTime": 372720
        "app://": {
            "activities": {},
            "installs": 0,
            "invocations": 1,
            "uninstalls": 0,
            "usageTime": 10
    "deviceID": "9uhoy3oc",
    "deviceinfo": {
        "": true,
        "deviceinfo.platform_build_id": "20140917160201",
        "deviceinfo.platform_version": "34.0a2",
        "deviceinfo.update_channel": "unknown"
    "locale": "en-US",
    "screen": {
        "devicePixelRatio": 1.5,
        "height": 569,
        "width": 320
    "start": 1411373904420,
    "stop": 1411374106270
$ adb devices
List of devices attached 
3739ced3	device

### Expected:
1. The device id should be the same as the result of "adb devices"
2. The update channel should be changed to "aurora"

### Actual:
1. The device id is not the same as "adb devices"
2. The update channel is still "unknown"

### Reproduce rate

### Version:
Device    flame
Gaia-Rev        379e68fe729a684fa2fcddb30ea1e65508db73e1
Build-ID        20140917160201
Version         34.0a2
[Blocking Requested - why for this release]:
blocking-b2g: --- → 2.1?

can you please help investigate this given the metrics reported are not correct.
blocking-b2g: 2.1? → 2.1+
Flags: needinfo?(marshall)
Device ID is randomly generated, and not expected to be the same as shown by |adb devices|. See more info at the app usage metrics wiki here:

How are you changing the update channel? Are you setting it at build time, or through the Developer menu in Settings?
Flags: needinfo?(marshall) → needinfo?(gchang)
No, I am not setting it at build time. 
You can create a file "update.js and add following 
"add a pref("", "nightly"); in update.js
Then, put it in /system/b2g/defaults/pref
This can change the update channel.
Flags: needinfo?(gchang)
Hi Bhavana and Marshall,

what's the status of this bug, are we actively working on it? It's reproducible? Do we have a owner for this bug?

Also moving to the system fe component.
Flags: needinfo?(marshall)
Flags: needinfo?(bbajaj)
Component: Gaia → Gaia::System
[Blocking Requested - why for this release]:


What decisions are we making on the metrics data based on update channel value being right. As I understand from Marshall this issue has been there since the first phase implementation. 

We have a bunch of other blockers and are trying to prioritize within those. We could look into this after other serious blockers are fixed. Setting priority whiteboard flag

blocking-b2g: 2.1+ → 2.1?
Whiteboard: [priority]
Whiteboard: [priority] → [priority][ft:media]
(In reply to Hema Koka [:hema] from comment #6)
> [Blocking Requested - why for this release]:
> Bhavana,
> What decisions are we making on the metrics data based on update channel
> value being right. As I understand from Marshall this issue has been there
> since the first phase implementation. 
> We have a bunch of other blockers and are trying to prioritize within those.
> We could look into this after other serious blockers are fixed. Setting
> priority whiteboard flag
> Thanks
> Hema

Ravi mentioned this is needed, hence the blocking. I am happy to minus it as long as the product team is getting the expected data. Ravi, can you confirm here?
Flags: needinfo?(bbajaj) → needinfo?(rdandu)
This particular metric "update_channel" is not normally changed by end user (unless very advanced user), so as long as metrics is picking up the build time value, this bug should not block release.

Bhavana, please mark it as non-blocking.
Flags: needinfo?(rdandu)
blocking-b2g: 2.1? → -
Hi Marshall,

I'm still seeing "deviceinfo.update_channel": "unknown" in 2.2's app usage ping. 

the FTU ping is using "": "default" instead of "deviceinfo.update_channel", is this a bug or a intended behaviour?
It should probably be the same as FTU ping, let me take a look.. thanks for the heads up!
Flags: needinfo?(marshall)
blocking-b2g: - → 2.2?
Comment on attachment 8570085 [details] [review]
[gaia] marshall:bug1070875_aumUpdateChannel > mozilla-b2g:master

This updates AUM to use the setting '' which is copied over from the Gecko pref of the same name. For whatever reason, 'deviceinfo.update_channel' didn't actually reflect the same update channel as '' that the FTU ping uses, so this patch makes them consistent.

Long term I'd like to pull all of the 'deviceinfo' and other device data queries out into the shared telemetry module, but that is a big change. I'd like to ensure we're getting the proper update channel for v2.2 devices..
Attachment #8570085 - Flags: review?(dflanagan)
Comment on attachment 8570085 [details] [review]
[gaia] marshall:bug1070875_aumUpdateChannel > mozilla-b2g:master

Looks good to me.
Attachment #8570085 - Flags: review?(dflanagan) → review+
master -
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Comment on attachment 8573297 [details] [review]
[gaia] marshall:bug1070875_aumUpdateChannel_v2.2 > mozilla-b2g:v2.2

This fixes update channel reporting for App Usage Metrics
[Bug caused by] (feature/regressing bug #): n/a
[User impact] if declined: we won't collect proper update channels in v2.2 usage metrics
[Testing completed]: tested locally on Flame
[Risk to taking this patch] (and alternatives if risky): low, this just changes the name of the update channel setting
[String changes made]: none
Attachment #8573297 - Flags: approval-gaia-v2.2?(bbajaj)
blocking-b2g: 2.2? → 2.2+
Attachment #8573297 - Flags: approval-gaia-v2.2?(bbajaj) → approval-gaia-v2.2+
Assignee: nobody → marshall
Target Milestone: --- → 2.2 S7 (6mar)
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