Bug 1071977
Opened 10 years ago
Closed 8 years ago
functional tests should be modularized so it's easy to write more tests
(Hello (Loop) :: General, defect, P4)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: dmosedale, Unassigned)
(Whiteboard: [tech-debt])
User Story
As a developer who has the functional tests already configured to run, I should be able to easily add a new test to the functional testing framework. Acceptance criteria: * utility functions must be structured to be easily sharable and discoverable (they are currently inside the one test we've got) * adding a new test should be straightforward, and (if necessary) documented * the documentation should provide some guidance on how to decide when to add a functional test (perhaps including a link to the "Testing Pyramid" section of
In Loop, we want to do what Marionette does in its own test suite, which is group one or a small set of tests per file, since that scales pretty well. However, we need to do expensive setup and teardown (starting & ending a bunch of servers) that we can't afford to do before and after every test.
In general, we'll have groups of tests, such as the various tests that only require one browser and no servers, and the various tests that require a bunch of servers, and perhaps others.
A straw-man proposal for how one might do this with manifest.ini is at <>.
Comment 1•10 years ago
Dan -
I'm not as familiar with Marionette python tests as I am with Marionette JS, which allows you to group several tests into a "suite" like this:
Are you looking for comparable functionality from Marionette python (i.e. have a handful of tests grouped into a 'suite' that share one Setup and Teardown)? Actually, I didn't even realize this wasn't available...
Flags: needinfo?(dmose)
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Comment 2•10 years ago
(In reply to Richard Pappalardo [:rpapa][:rpappalardo] from comment #1)
> Are you looking for comparable functionality from Marionette python (i.e.
> have a handful of tests grouped into a 'suite' that share one Setup and
> Teardown)?
Yes, almost exactly. The proposal I mention in the etherpad above is framed to scale across multiple files so that we can specifically avoid ending up with all of our functional tests in one or a few files (as happened with the Talkilla prototype <
Flags: needinfo?(dmose)
Updated•10 years ago
Keywords: ateam-marionette-runner
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Comment 3•10 years ago
This sort of management is considered out of scope for Marionette itself. Consider seeing if Whimboo's setup/teardown stuff of the mozmill replacement could be reused. David thinks the proposal of manifests in the Etherpad link from the user story could be a reasonable start as well.
The manifest_parser module from the a-team may be useful here.
Component: Marionette → General
Product: Testing → Loop
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Comment 4•10 years ago
Probably the best bet here is to pull it into the backlog. Setting firefox-backlog+ in the interest of seeing it triaged soon. Not sure what sort of priority or rank I should assign, so not touching those for now.
Flags: firefox-backlog+
Whiteboard: [affects=loop] → [affects=loop] [tech-debt]
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Comment 5•10 years ago
Note that we may also be able to use Python modules to good effect. This is effectively a "spike" bug, as we need to figure out what we want to do before we can actually do it.
Updated•10 years ago
Rank: 45
Priority: -- → P4
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Updated•10 years ago
Summary: it should be possible for marionette test harness to have separate setup & teardown for different suites → marionette should be modularized so it's easy to write more tests
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Updated•10 years ago
Keywords: ateam-marionette-runner
Summary: marionette should be modularized so it's easy to write more tests → functional tests should be modularized so it's easy to write more tests
Whiteboard: [affects=loop] [tech-debt] → [tech-debt]
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Updated•10 years ago
User Story: (updated)
Comment 6•8 years ago
Support for Hello/Loop has been discontinued.
Hence closing the old bugs. Thank you for your support.
Closed: 8 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
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