Closed Bug 1072160 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

How to setup GA Access for suppliers (non-mozilla staff)?


(Websites :: Web Analytics, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: adam, Unassigned)



The new Mozilla Gear Store ( is being fully managed by a 3rd party supplier ( ). They are managing the design and optimization of the store so need ongoing access to the Google Analytics web stats to make decisions about the site.

We are storing the GA data in our Mozilla Account, but our standard policy is to only share access with moco and mofo email addresses. 

What are the (policy/process) steps I should take to allow access to non-staff in this case (a supplier under a contract)?
(In reply to Adam Lofting (:adamlofting) from comment #0)
> The new Mozilla Gear Store ( is being fully managed by a
> 3rd party supplier ( ). They are managing
> the design and optimization of the store so need ongoing access to the
> Google Analytics web stats to make decisions about the site.
> We are storing the GA data in our Mozilla Account, but our standard policy
> is to only share access with moco and mofo email addresses. 
> What are the (policy/process) steps I should take to allow access to
> non-staff in this case (a supplier under a contract)?

We have to get them to sign an NDA (if they haven't already) and then we add them to a tracking spreadsheet and put a date on when we will ping the owner to decide if they still need access. We do it for some key contractors. 

Have they signed an NDA as part of their contract?

What is their email addresses and are you the main internal contact we can ask every 6 months if they still need access?
Thanks Chris. That policy makes sense to me.

I'm looping in Andrea who manages the relationship with the supplier and who would be the main internal contact to check in with periodically to see if they need access. 

@Andrea - do you know if Treehouse brands have an NDA signed as part of the contract? As they're managing the actual user data / payment / fulfillment I imagine the contract sufficiently covers the level of aggregate metrics they would get in GA. But, we should check :)
Flags: needinfo?(andrea)
I'm adding Gustavo, who is managing the relationship with Treehouse during our initial store setup. Gustavo can check on whether there is an existing NDA within the contract arrangement.
Flags: needinfo?(andrea)
There isn't an NDA part, but there is a confidentiality section that should cover it.
This bug has the final contract, which includes a detailed confidentiality section:

I'm confident this is sufficient for sharing access to our GA data -- as for the primary contact to check to make sure Treehouse still needs access in 6 months, Gustavo will likely no longer be under contract for the gear store at that time. Adam does this task fall under your responsibilities as the keeper of the foundation's GA? If not, I can be responsible for checking on the need in 6 months.

Email addresses: (Todd Lido) (Anthony Salinas)
Treehouse also needs: full access for setting up API that would work then his permissions can be reduced once we get setup.
I gave access to GA for for the 3 people above and added a reminder in our smartsheet spreadsheet in 6 months from now to verify access is still needed.
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Blocks: 1096239
Can we add 

He is our marketing guy working on Mozilla Gear site marketing.
Andrea: Can you confirm the email in comment 8 and their access to Google Analytics for the gear store?
Flags: needinfo?(andrea)
Chris would it also be possible to add (Andrea Can you approve along with Todd?)

This is our app access so that we can link up to our internal reporting tool.  This will be important for Jed(our president) to see sales by channel reporting to help with merchandise planning.
Chris both emails in Comment #8 and #10 are OK to add.
Flags: needinfo?(andrea)
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