Closed Bug 1073503 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

Server needs to report the number of calls successful daily


(Cloud Services :: Operations: Metrics/Monitoring, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: RT, Assigned: whd)



User Story

As a product manager I want to know daily the number of calls being successful so that I know how the service gets used.  

A call means:
* Call is initiated on one end and accepted on the other end
* Websocket set-up on both ends
* We can't detect bi-directionnal media so this is not required to qualify a call as being succesful.
No description provided.
Katie, we would need to know what is the info you need to get logged here in order to get these stats out?
Flags: needinfo?(kparlante)
We should be able to report this with the websocket.summary log data. It would be good to confirm that the data is right and we're currently logging all setup successes ( That said, nothing is blocking us from working on the machinery to add this to the dashboard now. I'll take the bug and move it to Mozilla Services :: Operations / Metrics along with the other similar bugs.
Assignee: nobody → kparlante
Component: Server → Operations: Metrics/Monitoring
Flags: needinfo?(kparlante)
Product: Loop → Mozilla Services
Blocks: 1036059
:whd, handing this off to you to generate the json - daily_call_success.json (or similar) - no segmentation - count Type=websocket.summary AND state=connected (per day)
Assignee: kparlante → whd
Alexis, if we're counting successful call setups, and we see one callId twice (or more) in the websocket.summary logs (with a successful state), does that count as one call or two calls?
Flags: needinfo?(alexis+bugs)
This should count as one call. CallIDs are unique for each calls, and you can have multiple calls from a call url token.
Flags: needinfo?(alexis+bugs)
So, updated requirements for whd: - daily_call_success.json (or similar) - no segmentation - count Type=websocket.summary AND state=connected (per day) - count unique callIds
Closing, this is being reported in the dashboard:
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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