Closed Bug 1077106 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

[SMS] When user attempts to send an MMS with a cropped image from the gallery both apps force close


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::SMS, defect)

Gonk (Firefox OS)
Not set


(b2g-v2.1 unaffected, b2g-v2.2 affected)

Tracking Status
b2g-v2.1 --- unaffected
b2g-v2.2 --- affected


(Reporter: bzumwalt, Unassigned)




(Keywords: regression, smoketest, Whiteboard: [priority])


(2 files)

Attached file Logcat
When user tries to crop and attach a picture from gallery through the messages app, both messages and gallery force close. No indication of OOM or LMK from logcat and "Sigkill" message is not present in Dmesg log. Issue occurs only when picture is cropped, if user attempts to attach image without cropping no force close occurs. User can crop image vertically or horizontally. 
Repro Steps:
1) Update a Flame device to BuildID: 20141002093155
2) Launch Messages app
3) Compose new message and press paperclip icon to attach image from gallery
4) Crop image then select done
Messages and gallery app force close when user attempts to attach cropped image.
User can attach cropped gallery image to messages app with no issue.
Environmental Variables:
Device: Flame 2.2 Master KK (319mb) (Full Flash)
BuildID: 20141002093155
Gaia: 191d805f4911628d37a8a90a1e23a6013995138f
Gecko: 5d6ec4dddf14
Gonk: 2c909e821d107d414f851e267dedcd7aae2cebf
Version: 35.0a1 (2.2 Master)
Firmware: V180
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Mobile; rv:35.0) Gecko/35.0 Firefox/35.0

Repro frequency: 3/3, 100%
See attached: Youtube video clip, logcat, and Dmesg log
Youtube video link:
Issue does NOT occur on Flame 2.1 KK (319mb) (Full Flash)

Flame 2.1 KitKat Base (319mb)(Full Flash)
Device: Flame 2.1
BuildID: 20141002000202
Gaia: 94dcc25f2e34a4900ea58310c26be52bcb089161
Gecko: baaa0c3ab8fd
Gonk: 2c909e821d107d414f851e267dedcd7aae2cebf
Version: 34.0a2 (2.1)
Firmware: V180
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Mobile; rv:34.0) Gecko/34.0 Firefox/34.0

Actual Results: User can attach cropped gallery image to messages app with no issue.
QA Whiteboard: [QAnalyst-Triage?]
Flags: needinfo?(pbylenga)
Attached file dmesg log
QA Contact: pcheng
[Blocking Requested - why for this release]:
Functional Regression of a core feature failing smoke tests.

Requesting a window.
blocking-b2g: --- → 2.2?
QA Whiteboard: [QAnalyst-Triage?]
Flags: needinfo?(pbylenga)
mozilla-inbound regression window:

Last Working Environmental Variables:
Device: Flame
BuildID: 20140926154139
Gaia: e30d373eb5ed0514bce08a3b3d80d71b05a4dc32
Gecko: 627e848b2bf3
Version: 35.0a1 (2.2 Master)
Firmware: V180
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Mobile; rv:35.0) Gecko/35.0 Firefox/35.0

First Broken Environmental Variables:
Device: Flame
BuildID: 20140926162338
Gaia: e30d373eb5ed0514bce08a3b3d80d71b05a4dc32
Gecko: 8892214038df
Version: 35.0a1 (2.2 Master)
Firmware: V180
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Mobile; rv:35.0) Gecko/35.0 Firefox/35.0

Gaia is the same so it's a Gecko issue.

Gecko pushlog:

Caused by Bug 994190.
QA Whiteboard: [QAnalyst-Triage?]
Flags: needinfo?(jmitchell)
Caused by Bug 994190 ? Can you take a look Ben?
QA Whiteboard: [QAnalyst-Triage?] → [QAnalyst-Triage+]
Flags: needinfo?(jmitchell) → needinfo?(bent.mozilla)
Does the size of the image matter here?  I wasn't able to reproduce this, but I only have small images on my phone.
I used an image taken from the Flame's camera
Ben's on PTO today.  Can we get a bye on the smoketest blocker until Monday?
Whiteboard: [priority]
See bug 1063658 and bug 1059233.

This is quite "funny" that the issue happens on v2.2 and not in v2.1, because we should have worked around it in bug 1059233 in v2.2 but not in v2.1.

The best way forward is to land a workaround in gallery as already described in bug 1063658. I hope it's still working around the issue now that bug 994190 landed though...
I'm working on a fix for bug 1063658. When that is ready we can see if it resolves this bug as well.
I can reproduce this bug easily with a photograph. But most of the test images in apps/gallery/test/images/ do not reproduce it because they are such simple compressible images that they have a small filesize. So the underlying gecko issue must only affect memory-backed blobs that are bigger than some size limit.
(In reply to David Flanagan [:djf] from comment #13)
> So the
> underlying gecko issue must only affect memory-backed blobs that are bigger
> than some size limit.

I don't think we have any code that cares about memory size yet (though that is planned someday soon). My money would be on larger images getting sliced...
Flags: needinfo?(bent.mozilla)
You're right Ben.  Anyway, easy to reproduce with normal images. Hard to reproduce with some of my specially-crafted gallery test images :-(
I've attached a patch to bug 1063658 that should workaround the underlying gecko bug and resolve this. Setting qawanted to verify.
Keywords: qawanted
(In reply to David Flanagan [:djf] from comment #16)
> I've attached a patch to bug 1063658 that should workaround the underlying
> gecko bug and resolve this. Setting qawanted to verify.

Verified that with the patch on bug 1063658 applied, sending an MMS a with cropped image no longer force closes the app. Bug repro rate: 0/12.

Tested on latest Flame master build on 319MB memory.
QA Whiteboard: [QAnalyst-Triage+] → [QAnalyst-Triage?]
Flags: needinfo?(jmitchell)
Keywords: qawanted
Since the patch for 1063658 fixes this bug, I'm going to close it as a dupe, and carry the smoketest flag over to that other bug.  1063658 is a 2.0+ bug, so it is going to land.
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Removing blocking flag due to this being a dupe
blocking-b2g: 2.2? → ---
QA Whiteboard: [QAnalyst-Triage?] → [QAnalyst-Triage+]
Flags: needinfo?(jmitchell)
Hi David, this feature apparently broke even though TBPL remained completely green. Can you find resources to get integration tests added for this so that we don't break you again?
Flags: needinfo?(dscravaglieri)
Just want to remind that we have bug 1080122 for this. And we have a plan. :)
Waiting jor Julien's plan
Flags: needinfo?(dscravaglieri)
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