Closed Bug 107945 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

http 'Location: http://...' plus 'Content-type: text-plain' crashes Linux (others?)


(Core :: Networking: HTTP, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: jrgmorrison, Assigned: rpotts)




The continuous page load test, running under tinderbox on btek (Linux) started crashing this afternoon sometime. [The logs claim that it was timing out, but I grabbed a copy of the build and tried to run the test and it was crashing at either the beginning or end of a test, when I do a HTTP redirect]. The headers for the redirect are something like: HTTP/1.1 302 Found Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2001 17:18:47 GMT Server: Apache/1.3.12 (Unix) Location:,etc.,etc. Connection: close Content-Type: text/plain After looking through the checkins (and taking a guess that the two late afternoon successes were a fluke), I came to the checkin for bug 102737, which changed the handling of "empty text/plain" documents, and thought, Hmmm, maybe I should force that 'text/plain' to be 'text/html'. That apparently fixed the crash on btek. (Yay!) You might want to back out that checkin as the above type of simple redirect is fairly common. This may be causing quite a few crashes, but maybe I'm wrong, and this isn't a widespread crash. Testcase at http://cowtools/bugs/crash-redirect.html, which has a link to http://cowtools/page-loader/ and crashes about 3 out of 4 tries on Linux (and one time it just hung). However, it doesn't seem to crash my windows build (just finished now).
This looks like a possible dup of bug 107994... can we get a stack here?
As I mentioned in bug 102737, this is caused by not calling nsScanner::Append(). A workaround is to call Append() with an empty string, but the actual bug must be somewhere in the scanner. Just a guess: In nsParser::Tokenize() nsScanner->RewindToMark() is called and there mMarkPosition is probably undefinded (missing |if (mSlidingBuffer)|).
confirming... i'm seeing this too using the 2001103121 linux commercial bits.
Filed bug 108067 and added a patch that fixes this without backing out bug 102737.
Depends on: 108067
This is no longer an issue since the patch attached to bug #102737 (which caused this regression) has been backed out. Therefore i'm closing this bug out.
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Component: Networking: File → Networking: HTTP
QA Contact: benc → tever
V/fixed, rpotts. mozilla should own cowtools now, so if this were still a problem, there would be lots of attention.
QA Contact: tever → benc
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