Closed Bug 108197 Opened 23 years ago Closed 18 years ago

No print dialog appears when asking to print news articles with graphic attachment


(MailNews Core :: Printing, defect, P1)

Windows 2000


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: burleigh, Assigned: rods)


(Keywords: qawanted)

From Bugzilla Helper:
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:0.9.5+)
BuildID:    2001110203

I've noted that I can't print news articles from n.p.m.performance that have
graphics attached, e.g, Load Time Test Results--the print dialog never appears.

Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Visit the newsgroup n.p.m.performance, get to one of the threads on load time
test results where the page load time series graphic is attached to the post.
2. right click the article header, choose Print from the context menu
3. observe that no print dialog appears

Expected Results:  Should at least get a print dialog, it seems.

I can click the graphic, choose View Image which makes the browser appear, then
print from there.
Since this bug was reported, a newer version of Mozilla (1.0 RC1) has been 
released. Reporter, please can you check to see whether this bug is still 
present in a recent build (Moz1-RC1 or a new nightly build). If this bug does 
not occur please can you resolve the bugreport?
This bug is alive and well on trunk 2002042209 on Win XP.  I guess I can't
confirm my own report, can I?
Using branch build 20020522 on winxp, I get the Print dialog however, it takes a
very long time to get the dialog.  For example: a new posting with several
images attached (8710 lines), will take about 2 minutes to bring up the print
dialog. A news posting with 3 smaller images (866 lines) will take 30 seconds to
bring up the dialog. 

Reporter, is this possibly what you're seeing. I have posted some test messages
on  n.p.test with attachments and the 8710 lines msg is up there posted by
Stephen Donner.  If you get a chance, please try those to see if you are getting
the same thing.  If so, then we'll change the bug summary.  

my steps:
1. Launch app
2. Launch mail&newsgroups
3. Select the newsgroup I mention above.
4. Selcet one of the messages I mention above.
5. Wait for them to finish loading then while selection is still in thread pane,
click the Print button or right mouse click and select Print. 

Result: takes too long for the Print dialog to come up, but it does come up.
Expected: the print dialog should come up right away.
Ever confirmed: true
esther: i checked this in late april and confirms the problem.  but on my home
xp machine with 2002052308, i get a print dialog almost immediately on all your
posts, maybe a slight (maybe 1-2 seconds) delay on your "with another
attachment.." post.   stephend's post doesn't load over a dialin within a minute
so i'll test that on my office xp machine.  if it functions, i'll close the bug.
 thanks for those posts, that made it very easy to test (again).

i also just checked whether it might have been something particular about the
post where i first saw this (it was one of the pageload graphs they used to post
in the performance NG).  i just tested that post (from 12/15/2001) and found
print dialog appears just fine.
Frank, in further investigation I'm finding on all my platforms, that for
Stephen's news post, the Print dialog is not coming up.  The reason it came up
before on my XP system is because I had my memory and disk cache set to 0.  I
noticed my linux system was displaying the images but not printing, my xp was
not displaying the images but printing after the delay.   When I changed the XP
cache to what my linux system had 4096 and 50000, then the XP did the same thing
as my linux.  
Now with the cache set, both linux and XP brings up the images, but won't bring
up the Print Dialog until I do a File|Exit or Quit.  That seems to force the
Print dialog up and I can print. I ran into a crash when printing with the cache
set to zero, I'll be doing more investigation for the crash.  I guess we're now
seeing different results for printing.  Thanks for also checking this.
Frank, I see the same thing on my Mac. Since you have a current build too, if
you could let me know if this happens to you, then I will update the summary of
the bug.
1. Launch app
2. Check to see that your memory and disk cache is set to something like 4096 &
50000 (I think these are default settings).  Do a clear cache if possible.
3. Go the the newsgroup mentioned in my scenario and select Stephen's posting.
4. Click the Print button or right mouse click to Print.

What I see is no Print dialog, I can wait up to 5 minutes and still no dialog.
At any point after clicking Print if I do a File|Exit or Quit, I then get the
Print dialog and can print (sometimes I get a little error first but then I get
a second Print dialog and it usually works).

Please let me know whay you see when you do this.
esther, i've done these things to test this on winxp at my office, and broadly
speaking, confirm your experiences:
- installed 2002052408 trunk bits
- cleared cache, checked that my cache settings are default
- opened newsgroup, clicked stephend's post, took 1:15 to load (isn't 1:15 a
little slow?)
- right click, print, wait two minutes and still no dialog
- switched away to another moz window then back and found the print dialog there
(so it seems more complicated than just time)

here's more:
- clicked into outlook (latest bugmail about this) and clicked link to bug--no
moz.  clicked again, no moz
- went to moz, dismissed print dialog, then the two moz windows that should have
opened from the clicks on outlook, appear.  so this print dialog is blocking moz
and that probably isn't a good thing, but is probably another bug that probably
already exists.  just noting this odd behavior so you all can do what you think
should be done about that.

let me know if i should do more about this.  thanks!
Assignee: dcone → rods
this should be fixed, could someone retest?
Keywords: qawanted
I would be happy to retest.  Could someone post the test messages to the
n.p.test group?  Easther had some but they've now expired.
Priority: -- → P1
Target Milestone: --- → Future
Product: MailNews → Core
WFM TB version 3 alpha 1 (20061115)
Closed: 18 years ago
QA Contact: esther → printing
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Product: Core → MailNews Core
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